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Coach’s Corner: Feed Your Brain

JD Fox - Coach's CornerJ.D. “Jim” Fox, Head Coach, Next Act CoachingGod, I miss my 20's. I got away with murder. Not murder in the lock-him-up sense, but more in the stereotypical frat boy way: pulling all-nighters, drinking like a fish, living on pizza. And feeling just fine the next day.Fast forward to now: it's all pay for play. I feel EVERYTHING the next day. And I feel it when I skip healthy things, like working out. Or when I eat deep-dish pizza instead of lean protein two days in a row.So, taking a page out of the coach's playbook, I decided to work to my strengths, and use my organizational ability to fuel my body -- which of course fuels everything else. What did I do? I automated breakfast, which every Mom will tell you is the most important meal of the day. I used to just grab coffee, maybe a donut, maybe make a smoothie if I didn't sleep late. Now, it's all done ahead of time.Here's how: I start with one of those big 32-ounce tubs of nonfat yogurt. Dannon works fine, and is usually among the cheapest. I separate it into three portions (you can go up to five for smaller appetites). Then, I add a scoop of protein powder to each portion. This is critical: do NOT use a protein powder that tastes like sweetened sawdust, the way most of them do. I use Syntha 6 vanilla ice cream flavor, available at GNC.Just stir up the protein and yogurt first (until the powder is dissolved in each separate portion), drop in frozen or fresh berries, and a handful of raw nuts. Substitute or add other stuff as desired. Stir it all together, cover each with plastic wrap, and pop them into the fridge. The yogurt / protein mix will develop a pudding-like consistency as it cools overnight, and you've got three-to-five breakfasts ready to go. Lots of protein, some good carbs, and a little good fat. With breakfast fuel like that, usually a salad at lunch, and whatever for dinner, my weight and energy are stable. And I have enough in reserve to step it up when needed. Oh, and the saving grace, harkening back to our 20's -- with a breakfast regimen like this, of course you can cheat once in awhile, and grab one of those bagels off the conference room tray. Just don't try to live on boiled bread with cream cheese after college. It's time to be a grown-up as you eat and fuel your brilliant brain -- just as Mom always advised.