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Digital Marketing: Master or Disaster

Digital Marketing Mistakes to AvoidJill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

Digital marketing opportunities change all the time. Efforts that were successful just a few months ago may not work anymore. Opportunities that didn’t exist six months ago can be your strongest assets today.Here are seven trends that could help you be a digital marketing master, not a disaster.
  1. Personalized content. Show visitors content based on content they have visited. Make purchase suggestions based on what’s in their cart. On social media, react to their posts and comments directly. These are all examples of personalized content. All increase engagement and sales.
  2. Visuals. No matter the age group or topic, visuals rule. Images and video will always capture more attention than words alone.
  3. Peer input. People are influenced by their tribe. We use recommendations to pick a good place to eat, a great contractor to use, or a book to read. We are all influenced by the recommendations of people we know for just about everything. Great marketers leverage recommendations and testimonials to help their offerings rise above the clutter.
  4. Email marketing. Email still gets better engagement than every other online channel. Winning marketers have an email marketing strategy.
  5. Voice and mobile search. Rising to the top of search rankings for desktop computer uses just about doesn’t matter any more. People are searching on their phones and using voice devices to ask questions (aka: search). Knowing how you fare there really matters.
  6. Social shopping. An increasing number of consumers are finding products and services on social media. They are forming their opinion before they ever reach your website.
  7. Short attention spans. All generations, not just those kids, have attention spans of gnats. Keep your messages short and sweet, whether they are delivered by video or text