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Do Your PR Benchmarks Measure Up?

Do Your PR Benchmarks Measure UpSocial media. Mobile news apps. Television. Print publications. The list of media that people now use to access information is vast and expanding all the time.When measuring the fruits of your labor in earned media, are you tracking what you should?Traditionally, PR pros would look for big numbers. Common questions used to include: “How many eyes viewed this piece of earned media?” and “How can I show a direct link between this increase in media pickup and an increase in revenue?”However, thought leaders in the measurement industry have now realized that when it comes to earned media benchmarks, it’s not always about volume.It’s about impact.Quality of earned media trumps quantity. Back when measuring media coverage was done manually, the term “impressions” was coined to define how readers viewed or interacted with a piece of content — that is, the “impression” it made.It was assumed that the higher the number of impressions, the more successful the campaign or event or story.However, access to more advanced and automated analytics tools — as well as changes in buyer behavior — have a caused a shift in measurement best practices.SE-CO-4.1.3P-Proving-It-Press-Release-Performance 

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