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From Three to 10,000 Contributors and 200,000+ Subscribers: CommPRO Celebrates Our 9-Year Anniversary

The Timeline:

2010: Launched Corporate communications and public relations at PRSA in Washington, DC

2011: Introduced webinars

2012: Added investor relations and financial communications

2013: Hosted a forum with NASDAQ and the NYSE to announce the SEC’s approval of social media to announce earnings

2014: Expanded into global markets

2015: Event collaboration with global media companies

2016: Analysis and discussions about “fake news”

2017: Incorporated financial technology

2018: Integrated discussions about the public’s loss of trust with Bitcoin

2019: Entered the blockchain technology ecosystem with BitAngels NYC and launched first podcast

I’m proud and humbled to be among my industry peers who’ve contributed throughout the years to make CommPRO what it is today. With so many talented writers, it was difficult to identify some of the most popular articles. Celebrates Our 9-Year Anniversary

Here’s a cross-section based on readership and topic: Celebrates Our 9-Year Anniversary - Events

Popular events

Now, your thoughts:

A Salute to Fay Shapiro, Communications Industry Influencer
I  had the privilege to meet Fay when she hosted a panel on May 17, 2005, with the “people who started it all”, the pioneers of the Post-World War II public relations industry, including Harold Burson, David Finn, Al Golin, Margery Kraus, and my father, Daniel J. Edelman.   She called the panel, “The Greatest Generation in PR.”  Fay learned public relations from these PR  industry founders. Also, Robert Bacon, Jr., whose father founded Bacon’s clipping service and media directories,  mentored Fay. She worked for Jack O’Dwyer in 2005 as his publisher.  That’s the year she hosted on behalf of Jack O’Dwyer “The Greatest Generation” panel. Fay then went to InfoCom Group’s Bulldog Reporter as group publisher and launched the Daily 'Dog, a PR industry newsletter with updates on journalists called “Media Moves.” 
Fay Shapiro has earned the role of industry influencer—a publisher, editor, and convener of conversations at events such as her signature three-part series, “Truth on Trial, " about lack of trust in institutions, the government and the media.  She founded CommPRO in 2010 as a 21st Century digital media platform and events company aimed at communications professionals in the C-suite She uses her publishing skills every day in securing original editorial content and arranging events with high-profile speakers on both sides of an issue. Renée Edelman, SVP, Global Human Resources, Edelman
CommPRO has built an engaging community of public relations practitioners with an impressive reach. Its events, thought leadership and publications deliver an incredible level of learning opportunities for both young and seasoned talent, and it fosters candid, enlightening discussion on some of our industry’s most critical issues of our time. Barri Rafferty, Global CEO & President, Ketchum

After working in this business for over 40 years, it is easy to get cynical. There are empty suits and worse. Not to mention a pace of change which demands constant evolution. Through it all, is Fay and CommPRO. Her generosity, vision and enthusiasm are on full display 24/7. To think that she started this from scratch and has a business with a distribution list of a several hundred thousand, making CommPRO a must publish and must read. CommPRO is always there with the latest in industry trends. I am delighted to hear she has decided to continue CommPRO for another 90. Richard S. Levick, Esq., Chairman & CEO, LEVICK

I remember when was just a vision of Fay’s.  I’m so impressed and proud of what my friend, the fearless and fabulous Fay Shapiro, has built over the past nine years, including an engaged global community of 200,000 communications professionals who have benefited from the rich content and knowledge she has delivered to them from the world’s most prominent and thought-provoking leaders in the field.  Bravo Fay and!  Thank you for your contributions to the field of communications in its most dynamic era ever and for championing its critical and growing importance to the world we live in. – Patrice Tanaka l Founder & Chief Joy Officer, Joyful Planet, LLCI have the opportunity to publish in lots of places, and it’s a particular joy to publish on The editorial suggestions are smart and insightful, and the audience is engaged and engaging. Congratulations to on starting your tenth year providing thought leadership for communication professionals.Helio Fred Garcia | President, Logos ConsultingI've had the pleasure of knowing Fay Shapiro for a number of years.  I knew her well before she launched CommPRO.  Fay is one of the most creative, innovative minds in the PR industry.  With extraordinary energy she is constantly thinking up ideas to engage we mortal PR practitioners. And then she started CommPRO where she had the opportunity to find a landing field for her creativity and innovation. During the past nine years, I can honestly say that I've read every issue of CommPRO and continue to learn about the state of the art and what the great thinkers in our industry have to say.  In addition to outstanding contributions in the CommPRO publication, Fay has brought PR practitioners together through special events, panel discussions, presentations and other live and in person gatherings. Fay is receptive to good ideas and is a pleasure to deal with.  She's sharp, personable, extraordinarily smart and productive.  To my mind, Fay Shapiro is the heart and soul of CommPRO and all that it's accomplished these past nine years.  Kudos to you, Fay, for becoming a beacon for PR knowledge, education and progress.  I wish you many more years of success.  After all, we really need you. – Art Stevens, Managing Partner, The Stevens GroupIt has been a distinct pleasure and a genuine honor to be part of the family for the past nine years. The content we’ve been fortunate enough to have published in has unquestionably enhanced Peppercomm’s awareness and credibility. –  Steve Cody, Founder & CEO, Peppercomm

I had the pleasure of meeting Fay several years back and learned we had common interests. Since then, I've been attending and covering CommPRO events. I've met industry and business leaders across a wide variety of industry sectors including, marketing, PR, finance, public affairs, finance, media, journalism, agency, corporate, politics and more.  With 10,000 contributors, and articles published daily, Fay Shapiro works tirelessly to educate and inspire people to stay abreast of industry trends and connect with one another. For me, it's been an incredible journey of learning, writing and meeting new colleagues and friends throughout the CommPRO network. C ongratulations on CommPRO's 9th anniversary:)! I'm honored to be your friend and colleague surrounded by my esteemed peers. Hats off to Fay! - Wendy Glavin, Founder & CEO, Wendy Glavin Agency I'm delighted that I was able to be part of the process of connecting people and places that made these amazing and ground-break CommPRO events happen -- the "Truth on Trial" series and the #1 most-viewed event in 2017: The Death of Trust:  Real News, "Fake News" and the Cyber Plots Designed to Divide Us.  Congratulations to CommPRO for an amazing nine years!– Danny Selnick, Industry Connector and 2019 PRSA-NCC Hall of Fame winner

Mazel Tov on nine great and growing years. Halfway there to Chai. –Shelley Spector, Co-Founder of The Museum of Public Relations & President, Spector & Associates

We love working with CommPRO and have created some successful programs together over the years. Fay brings a heartfelt dedication to working with her partners and is always bringing creative ideas and solutions to the table. Congratulations on the 9-year anniversary and I wish you many more years of success! – Scott Fedonchik, SVP, Marketing, Photoshelter & Libris

Much love,
