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Get the Word Out Through Your Employees

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyYour employees are your greatest digital marketing asset. This is the age of the everyman publisher and that includes the people who make up your workforce. Use them!If your employees aren’t raising awareness for your business, then you’re missing out. Employees are out in the field representing your brand. That’s a powerful asset to harness.Here are five ways to help your employees spread your brand message.

Share your brand message.

Provide employees with your brand messaging materials. This makes it easy for them to use the proper messaging and positioning to showcase your business. Make sure everything you share with employees is to the point and accurate to your brand message.

Empower employees as the ultimate insiders.

Involve employees in new business planning. Let them see what’s new first. Give them access that outsiders won’t get. Make them feel important and special.Then let them know how they can help spread the word. Give them ideas, make it clear what will be most helpful.

Reward efforts.

Be sure to provide tangible thanks when employees engage with prospects and share important brand messages and campaigns. Figure out something meaningful. Be sure to reward consistently.

Let your employees represent!

Send your employees to conferences and events. Sending employees to targeted professional development seminars and conferences is a great way to empower your team and get in front of new audiences.Make sure they know what outcomes will be most valuable. Let them know what success looks like. Do you want them to collect contacts? Attend particular activities? Define what makes the investment worthwhile.

Be a great employer.

Happy employees will tell positive, compelling stories about you. Make sure the daily experience of working for you is great! People who love where they work will spread the good word about you.