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Learn How Corporate Videocasting Is Helping Enterprises Connect with Stay at Home Employees

Simon Davis

Typically, work from home scenarios is regarded favorable only for the employees. However, with time, companies realize that this situation can be as beneficial for them as it for their employees. A host of studies, analysis and reports have suggested that employees who work from home are happy and more productive. They divert their valuable time towards extra working hours which in turn benefit their employers. In addition to that, the rising prices of commercial establishments are putting immense pressure on enterprises to maintain and sustain their corporate offices. With many employees opting to work from home, that burden seemed to be lifting off. Video-conferencingEmployees who choose to work from home use their personal computers, the internet and other resources. Therefore, companies save up a lot of the infrastructural cost. It is also environmentally viable. Employees does not have to commute to work which means lesser traffic and vehicular emission on the road. In tandem to that, offices also save up on valuable resources like energy consumption, office supplies, paper, water, etc. Despite these obvious benefits, it’s not exactly an easy decision for employers to allow their workforce to work remotely. There are many logistical concerns. For instance, how would they connect with them during important meetings or corporate training sessions? Fortunately, cutting-edge technology like corporate videocasting is helping offices connect with employees stationed remotely. Those unfamiliar with this term, corporate videocasting is a high-quality online forum that can connect thousands of people across various locations during important company events or meeting. For businesses, corporate events, are primetime occasions that enables showcasing their growth as a company in the recent past and highlight future projections, market reach, etc. It is also the time when valuable employees are praised and rewarded for their work.   Being a part of such an event restores faith and commitment in the mind of the employees as they see themselves as the part of the growth. Although, in-house employees are an integral component of such events, those working remotely cannot be ignored. Therefore, corporate videocasting offered by Bluejeans are enabling enterprises to establish a connection with employees who are working in various capacities. Effective communication is a key for a strong employer-employee relationship. It needs to be recurring, thoughtful and worthy.  It should also be open and available to all. Whether an employee is working from home or not, they have to be assured with a sense of belongingness. Some studies have revealed that employees who work from home exhibit more loyalty and do not mind putting in extra effort or time to complete the tasks assigned to them. They feel that working from home is a privilege companies have offered them, and they should reward their employer with their commitment and effort. Employers are therefore advised to nurture this relationship through an encouraging and efficient communication channel. Some suggestions in that direction are as under –Communicate with them regularly- Whether via email, videoconferencing, text or phone it is important to communicate with your remote employees on a regular basis. Although their correspondence details may be present in the central database of the company and they may be receiving updates regularly, a personal message from the direct reporting manager or employer has several advantageous. This approach works well for small enterprises. However, if you are a larger company, managers and deputies must be encouraged to follow this practice by the thumb rule. Acknowledge their hard work- Some employees, even if remotely located add a lot of value to the work and performance of the company. Therefore, praise them whenever an acknowledgment is due. Communicate with them directly and congratulate them for their effort. Simultaneously, sent out a centralized emailer informing the contributions of a particular remote employer. Make them part of company events-Stressing is once again, the attendance of employees who are working remotely for a company event is as important for employees who report onsite. Even if they can make a physical presence, we have discussed videocasting technology that can facilitate virtual presence.  Offer them valuable feedback-Whether an employee is working remotely or on-site, they are expected to do their job well. We all know that honest and valuable feedback can go a long way into improving the performance of an employee. Therefore, don’t shy away from offering your comments on their performance at work. Use technology to track work-Centralized tool that keeps track of the day to day activities of employees is important to see the work and growth across teams and groups. Therefore invest in cloud technology and ERP solutions for overall tracking.  [author]About the Author: Simon Davis has been a full-time business writer since the last 4 years and has had the privilege of attending some of the most renowned business conclaves held across the world. When not on business he loves spending time with his girlfriend and a bit of adventure sports. [/author]