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Love, Love, Love

Love, Love, Love Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO of CommunicationsMatchTM 

It’s all too easy to take those closest to us for granted in the press of work, the rush of life, and distractions of our minds. With so much to occupy us this Valentine’s Day, it is especially important to share your love with those who may need it most.  

It may be your spouse, partner, child, boyfriend, or girlfriend who needs to feel the warmth of being loved. Not just on Valentine’s Day. Every day. 

But we should also take the time to express our love and concern for those who have experienced loss over the last year, whether from separation, disease, addiction, poverty or war. 

As many celebrate Valentine’s Day with roses, meals at restaurants and gifts, the true selfless love we aspire to is reflected in our ability to think of others less fortunate. 

Acts of kindness are a way for your love to make a difference. 

I believe that is it also important to show the peoples of Ukraine and everywhere democracy is at risk, the love we have in our hearts for them and for the values we share. We must hope that love will inspire those driven by ego, anger and selfishness to take a better path.

This Valentine’s Day, love can make a difference.  

All you need is love

Simon Erskine LockeAbout the Author: Simon Erskine Locke is founder & CEO of communications agency and professional search and services platform, CommunicationsMatch™, and a regular contributor to CommunicationsMatch’s technology helps clients search, shortlist and hire agencies and professionals by industry and communications expertise, location, size, diversity and designations. CommunicationsMatch powers PRSA’s Find a Firm search tools, and developed the industry’s first integrated agency search and RFP tools, Agency Select™, with RFP Associates.