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Make Your Videos Rock the Facebook World

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

Videos draw attention on Facebook and, with face-to-face interactions limited, they are a great way to connect with your customers.

What Facebook videos get attention? The topic chosen, length of the video, the content, and the amount of text will affect your results.

Data collected by BuzzSumo based on 100 million Facebook videos offers insight into what to do to create video that works on Facebook. Here are insights to help you create videos that will be shared and attract likes and comments. Here’s how to rock video on Facebook:

Hungry Anyone?

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The number one video category by far on Facebook is food. Food is a good topic. There are also categories that usually tank. Avoid them.

Short and Sweet

Short Facebook videos are more likely to attract attention from viewers than longer ones. The ideal length is 60 to 90 seconds. After 90 seconds, engagement falls.Don’t fall below 30 seconds. Videos below 30 seconds performed worse than any other category.

Go Live, Too

About 20% of all Facebook video content is live. Most people interact with live feeds longer than regular videos. Here, about 15-20 minutes is the ideal length.