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New Tool Improves Efficiency of A/B Testing Editorial StaffWeb Focus LLC has developed a new statistical approach that can deliver improvements in ROI from A/B and MVT testing in a variety of online marketing-related activities. The approach is called “AGILE A/B Testing” and is described in a detailed 46-page white paper, distributed for free at the company's web site. .It is accompanied by the launch of a new software tool which helps experts in conversion rate optimization, search engine optimization and paid-per-click advertising with the application of the improved statistical method in everyday testing and experimentation.Some of the highlights of the AGILE statistical method include:

  • Up to 80% faster tests when compared to traditional industry approaches
  • Rules for early stopping for both efficacy and futility (lack of positive effect)
  • Flexibility to perform analysis and evaluation of accruing data

Faster tests mean faster iteration and quicker implementation of test winners. Statistically rigorous rules for stopping for lack of positive effect is a new feature for the mainstream A/B testing industry which allows unpromising tests to be cut early on and resources redirected to more promising experiments. The flexibility to perform interim analyses on the data as it accrues while preserving control on the error tolerance is highly sought by most practitioners as it aligns the statistical method with the business process.The method is best applied with the newly launched AGILE A/B Testing Statistical Calculator tool which is now part of the SaaS product of the company. The tool simplifies the process of using the AGILE approach to A/B testing by automating all of the statistical procedures and wrapping them in an interface that can be used without the need for deep statistical and mathematical expertise.“We are giving a lot of R&D effort and statistical expertise for free with the release of our AGILE A/B Testing white paper. I believe that adoption of the more accurate and more efficient AGILE statistical method will help move the whole industry forward as both agencies and clients start seeing better results and ROI from A/B testing. Having a reliable measure of the effects of any AB testing treatment and the uncertainty of the measure enables decision-makers to make smart choices and move their business in the right direction with greater confidence,” said Georgi Georgiev, managing director of Web Focus LLC.