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PRSA Announces New "Evening Series" Editorial Staff

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), the nation's largest community of communications professionals, has unveiled a new "Evening Series."

The new "Evening Series" kicks off Sept. 14, focusing primarily on brand stories. The series will feature guests like the Aflac Duck, and be held in a variety of different venues. One venue will be a mock trial room used to place a brand on trial during a crisis. 

The series will start with four programs, all focused on storytelling and will take place in New York City, rolling out nationally in 2018.Following each session, participants will have an opportunity to network with other attendees.

"PRSA's Evening Workshop Series is an engaging way to learn from storytelling experts, meet industry leaders, network and have fun in the learning process. Communication experts predict that PR professionals will have stronger roles in integrated communications strategy over the next five years, making it imperative that we continue to develop our skills in brand management and storytelling," said PRSA 2017 National Chair Jane Dvorak, APR, Fellow PRSA.

"The 'Evening Series' is one of several new products recently introduced by PRSA, including new International Conference tracks, specialty certificates of completion around reputation management and new member discounts," said Joseph P. Truncale, CEO of PRSA. "As the largest organization of communications professionals, PRSA continues to evolve to find offerings that strengthen our members' credentials, inject fun into learning and help them succeed in the current communications landscape."

As the role of the public relations professional continues to advance and expand, PRSA is committed to developing programs that reflect the collapsing lines among the disciplines of traditional public relations, marketing, IT and customer service. The organization plays a vital role in shaping the framework for the future of the communications industry, providing a forum for practitioners seeking to drive strategy, position leaders and work effectively with media, influencers and key stakeholders.

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