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SEOP Named as Top Digital Marketing Firm for October

seop200A Commpro News Update, The independent authority on search vendors, chosen SEOP as the best digital marketing service for the month of October.  This distinction was given due to their effective performance in an in-depth analysis of the solutions they offer. With thousands of companies offering a variety of solutions, they are ranked based on the results of the lengthy evaluation process.

The process used by involves a thorough evaluation of their essential strengths. The five areas of evaluation associated with successful digital marketing projects include customer support, customer involvement, design standards, interactivity, and project analysis. The results of this process are used to figure out which companies should be included each month. Recommendations are updated monthly in order to account for the latest developments within the industry.

The ratings are revised each month based as the search marketing industry changes over time. Firms are evaluated based on the most recent trends and developments that are considered the most important by their customers. Often times the research team at spends time communicating with customers of competing firms for a more thorough look.

SEOP has been named the best digital marketing company based on an in-depth examination of their provided solutions. The independent research team has named them due to their continued performance and their history of successful online marketing solutions.