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The Healthcare Impact of the Lockdown

CommPRO Editorial Staff

As the world continues the Covid-19 battle, the healthcare impact of the pandemic goes beyond the virus.  Being sedentary during a pandemic lockdown can have a negative impact on your spine. Spinal diseases are quite common in the modern world. One of the most serious pathologies of the spinal cord is syringomyelia. The prevalence of syringomyelia is about 10 cases per 100,000 population, and the first symptoms usually appear at the age of about 20 years. The disease is destructive and can lead to severe neurological complications if left untreated.

Patients usually seek help at advanced stages of the disease, when conservative treatment is no longer effective. Therefore, one of the leading methods of treatment of syringomyelia is surgery. Today, the most popular country for surgical treatment for syringomyelia is Germany.

Why surgery is necessary

Syringomyelia is a disease in which cystic cavities that contain fluid emerge in the spinal cord. The cavity can arise as a result of central canal dilatation or be located in the substance of the spinal cord. Over time, these cavities may enlarge, causing severe complications. The most common among them are weakness of the muscles of the hands and loss of sensation.

Subsequently, the sensitivity problems spread to other parts of the body. Loss of pain and temperature sensitivity comes first, which can result in unintended deep cuts and burns.

Moreover, changes in the structure of the joints and bones develop, including their atrophy and calcium washout, which makes the bones fragile and more likely to break. The damage to the bones and joints is often painless.

Treatment of syringomyelia

Unfortunately, modern medicine can’t completely cure this disease. As a rule, at the early stages, treatment begins with conservative methods, e.g. massages, diet, physical therapy, as well as medications that improve nutrition of the nervous tissue.

In the case of progression of the disease, surgical treatment is used, the main task of which is to reduce the cysts size. This allows stopping the progression of the loss of sensitivity, as well as relieving pain.

If doctors are lucky enough to detect the disease at an early stage and remove the cysts in the spinal cord using surgery, this significantly slows down the progression of the disease and significantly improves the patient's quality of life.

Up-to-date surgical options

Doctors abroad use minimally invasive surgeries to treat syringomyelia. Advantages of minimally invasive interventions include absence of large incisions, minimal involvement of the healthy spinal cord, and faster rehabilitation. German doctors have a wide range of state-of-art robotic and endoscopic equipment.

Hospitals in Germany use modern equipment to monitor the patient’s state during surgery. This not only improves the accuracy of the surgery, but also reduces the risks to the patient's health. Moreover, surgical treatment for syringomyelia is performed by surgeons with extensive experience, so patients with syringomyelia do not need to worry about health risks.

Treatment of syringomyelia during the lockdown

Because of the poor availability of up-to-date treatment options in many countries, many patients prefer to undergo treatment in modern foreign hospitals. However, during the global lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic, arranging treatment on one's own has become virtually impossible.

If you need help with arranging treatment for syringomyelia during the lockdown, contact the medical tourism operator Booking Health. With its help, treatment abroad is available at any time, even during the lockdown.

Company's specialists will help you with preparation of all necessary documents for treatment abroad, receiving a visa and entrance permission, etc.

Comfortable treatment in the best foreign hospitals

Treatment abroad has many advantages, but organizing it can be challenging and time-consuming. To make your life easier, you can ask for help from the medical tourism operator Booking Health.

Its main task is to organize cost-effective treatment for patients from all over the world. The main advantage of Booking Health is the absence of additional fees and affordable cost of spinal surgery and other treatment options. So, with Booking Health you can save time and money.

To find more information about the cost of spinal surgery, you can visit the Booking Health website.