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The Importance And Benefits Of Using Employee Training Videos

CommPRO Editorial Staff

It can cost quite a bit of money to train and on board a new employee. Which is why it’s so important that the training be thorough and help your new hire hit the ground running as quickly as possible. The less time there is for an employee to settle in the better and the right training can allow that to happen.

Which is why video training is so important. For starters, it allows your training staff to focus on other things and let the video do the work, but at the same time is an effective tool. Once you have your training system sorted out then you just need to hire an event video production company to get it filmed.

In this article, we will go over the benefits from using video as a tool to train your employees effectively.

It saves money

A person can only be in one place at one time. Which means that an instructor needs to be present for the training and can only train one group at a time. If you have more than one group then you need more than one instructor. And these instructors need to be paid a salary. 

Of course, a training video won’t replace the instructor as they have other duties besides doing their training classes. But, since you can have your training groups watch a video instead of a live instructor, you can have multiple groups working at once while the instructor tends to other tasks. 

Used in conjunction with actual face time with an instructor to answer questions or when the training requires some hands-on time, videos are just as effective as live training at a fraction of the cost.

Better retention

It has long been said, show don’t tell. This is because a trainee following a lecture is less likely to retain much of the information. Often, they tune out at a certain point. 

There have been numerous studies that show a decline in how much a person remembers from a lecture after even just a week from the time of the lesson. When using a video with visuals for the information presented, people were far more likely to retain the information months after the training session ended. 

It’s because visual cues are far more effective since people usually have a visual memory. They tend to remember images over words and what was said.

Increased versatility

Video doesn’t have to simply be a recording of a training instructor giving their usual lesson, but on video. In fact, this is the least effective way to use video. Take advantage of the fact that there are multiple types of ways that video can be used to make the lesson more interesting and easy to learn.

For instance, you can have a skit that shows situations that an employee is likely to face. When presented with an acted out sketch, this is far easier to identify with than a dry lecture. And this type of video can be animated or use many different forms to get the message across. Whatever way works best can be tried in video form.


Using video that is downloaded or accessed via a platform on the trainees computer or tablet can help to create something interactive. Not only can they be paused and rewound so the trainee can make sure they understand something before moving on, but there can also be actual interactive events. 

Questions can be asked in video with the ability to record the individual’s answer. This gives you some valuable feedback so you know if the lesson is sinking in. not only that, but when you have an interactive video you can use the metrics to give you some insight as to how much information is getting retained. The time spent watching is all registered and accessible in the data. 

It’s consistent

When using a video that is the same for everybody you don’t have to worry about some instructors not sticking to the same script. Sometimes they could be having a bad day or maybe the usual instructor is sick and the replacement is not as familiar with the content. 

Video takes those issues away as they are always going to be the same. You can be sure that all of the topics are covered and in a way that you are always going to be happy with. Nothing gets skipped or forgotten and all of the details are always going to be there.