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Tips for Creating a Great Company Product

Samantha Higgins

Creating a great company product is about learning, making mistakes, refining, tweaking, and prototyping. Therefore, you're supposed to keep perfecting your product before delivering it to your clients. You only have enough time to make mistakes and generate a product that your clients are eager to use. This article will discuss tips that can help you create a great company product.

Understand Yourself

The entrepreneur’s life is not for anyone. It is filled with sleepless nights, uncertainty, and failure. But intermittently, there are those adventures that only an entrepreneur can understand – a new insight. If you think you're ready to commit your life to your product and deal with the ups and downs, you'll face, then go on and learn more about creating a great business product.

Find Information of Your Clients’ Unmet Wants

One way you can come up with a great product for your company is to generate a set of interview questions to interact with suffering clients in their surroundings. You should listen to what they're saying and ask them various questions concerning complaints and sufferings. By doing so, you'll collect more information about the nature of pain they're experiencing and attempt to examine what kind of product would encourage them to become your consumers.

Fill the Gap

Either you have an idea in mind already or don't have one, you should recognize the gap you're about to fill. It could be an emotional or physical gap that the market requires. For instance, a well-designed wheelchair fills a physical gap by advancing an individual’s immobility. Toy-designed and fun earphones fill an emotional gap by creating happiness satisfaction. To better understand what product to make for your business, you have to know where the gaps lie and the customers’ behavior.

Conduct Extensive Research

Ask yourself what’s already out there. This is a very crucial step to determine how and if you should generate your business product. Identify your competition by design, distribution, competitor size, cost, and review features. For instance, you can check on silicone sponge sheet producers to learn how to deal with the competitive market. If you find a similar product, maybe a gap is present in the market and you could position it in a better way. Some entrepreneurs decide to take more risk by generating a brand new product, while others decide to take a secured route of following other inventors’ way. Therefore, you should decide which one is favorable for you.

Define Customer Needs

You should as well understand the minimum needs to fill your gap. When you're starting out, don't add many product features that you think will bother your clients. By generating the minimum requirements, you'll quickly learn what your clients truly need. Do one thing at a time and ensure it’s perfectly done. You can save whistles and bells for the upcoming version of your company product.

Design Multiple Versions

You can also sketch up as many product design versions of your first concept as possible. This is the stage where you can put your creativity cap on. Think big, wild, and impossible and you’ll end up developing solutions that are innovative and outstanding. Your sketches can be ugly, unfinished, or rough – anything but impeccable.

Create a Prototype Solution

Another crucial tip to create a great business product is to develop an inexpensive and fast prototype with the collected product features. The first product version isn't likely to observe the client's unmet wants. Still, it should help you acquire a better understanding of what you require to conduct to close the gap between what the prototype can perform and what your ultimate product will need to be able to do to get the client to purchase it.

Test with Clients, Refine and Bring to Life

Here, you should provide your product to your clients and observe how they utilize it. You should also record how many clients utilize the product and inquire about their like and dislike about the product. It helps you see how your potential customers understand and interact with your product.

As soon as you understand what features and products are working, start advancing the aesthetic and function. This is where you bring in the beauty.

Once you're sure that your product fills the gap in the market, then it's time to create a simple version of your app or website. Expose yourself to the real market insights and see your product sell greatly.


Wash, rinse, and replicate. Remember, it’s an ever-changing procedure. You’re continually creating, prototyping and refining. No matter the failure or success of your first attempt, take the knowledge you’ve discovered and start all over. Every time you’ll be getting closer to that success.

About the Author: Samantha Higgins is a professional writer with a passion for research, observation, and innovation. She is nurturing a growing family of twin boys in Portland, Oregon with her husband. She loves kayaking and reading creative non-fiction.