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What the Latest Healthcare Market Research Means for Healthcare Marketers

What the Latest Healthcare Market Research Means for Healthcare Marketers - DownloadCommPRO Editorial Staff Ceralytics’ new 2018 Healthcare Content Marketing Report does a deep dive into the most popular topics in healthcare, as well as topics that are currently underutilized in the healthcare industry.The team at Ceralytics analyzed the content of 18 top healthcare publications and blogs, and identified over 16,000 unique topics utilized throughout the industry. This content is attributed with over 3 million social shares and millions of pageviews.The report is broken into two sections based on two very different healthcare audiences: consumers and providers. Each audience is its own full report within the larger report. In the report you will learn: 

  • The most popular topics in both consumer and provider-focused healthcare content marketing
  • The top underutilized topics, that present great opportunities for marketers, in both consumer and provider-focused healthcare content marketing
  • The topics covered the most in the industry compared to the topics that drive the most engagement
  • The overall topic effectiveness of consumer and provider-focused content marketers in the healthcare industry

 You can download the full report here.