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Combatting the Surge of Disinformation to Hispanic Audiences: The Role of Communicators in Mitigating False Narratives

The growing surge in disinformation, particularly during election seasons, poses significant challenges to various communities throughout the U.S. Hispanic audiences, with their unique cultural and linguistic contexts, are particularly vulnerable to these threats. Keeping up with and correcting false news remains a priority. This session will explore the pivotal role of today’s Communicators in combating the surge of disinformation among Hispanic populations.

Discussion topics include:

  • Understanding the Media Landscape: An overview of the types of disinformation that commonly affect Hispanic communities and the platforms where they are most prevalent.

  • Cultural Nuances: Examining the cultural and linguistic factors that make Hispanic audiences unique, and how these can be leveraged to create more effective communication strategies.

  • Trust Building: Tactics for building and maintaining trust within Hispanic communities, including the role of trusted community leaders and influencers.

  • Media Literacy: Enhancing media and news literacy to empower Hispanic audiences to critically evaluate information and recognize false narratives.

  • Case Studies: Insights from successful initiatives and campaigns that have effectively mitigated the spread of disinformation and misinformation in Hispanic communities.

  • Collaborative Approaches: The importance of collaboration between media organizations, community groups, and technology platforms to create a unified front against disinformation and misinformation.

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September 19

AI for Communicators

September 26

Hispanic Heritage Month: Women in Broadcast News