11 Biggest Takeaways from Ragan’s Future of Communications Conference

11 biggest takeaways from Ragan’s Future of Communications Conference

Insights on everything from the importance of building relationships to work culture and crisis comms. 

Isis Simpson-Mersha

The 2022 Future of Communications Conference gathered hundreds of communications professionals at the Edison Ballroom in New York City, New York to refine and align their strategies around moving from order takers to strategic advisors whose judgment is material to the growth and success of their organizations. Attendees had the opportunity to brainstorm, reconnect with colleagues, make new friends and learn real-world tips and tactics from dozens of leading communicators.

If you missed out on all the action in real time, don’t worry we’ve got you covered with some of the biggest lessons from the two-day conference:

  1. Communications isn’t a separate function of the organization. It’s just a pure reflection of how the organization functions.

  2. If you’re doing comms without a business or representational goal, then you’re not doing it correctly.

  3. When trying to convince your boss or the C-suite on the metaverse, get them into it. Don’t try to explain it based on a slide.

  4. Crisis used to be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, but the pandemic brought on the idea of the ongoing crisis. So make sure you don’t have a crisis person but rather a crisis team.

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