5 SEO Boosters to Do Daily

Why Small Businesses Need SEO

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

Here are five easy-to-do items to keep your website search engine optimization (SEO) on track.

  1. Keep content freshRegularly add new content (blog!) and keep existing content up to date. Develop a schedule to help you to publish new content regularly as well as check existing pages.

  2. Add linksThere are two types of links. Internal links interconnect content at your website. External links point to sites other than your own and/or point from those sites to yours. Search engines love links, as they tell them what content is related to other content. Take time to create both types of links everyplace that makes sense.

  3. Remove old contentRemove any pages and images that are no longer relevant. This guarantees that any outdated materials cannot be found by search crawlers or site visitors.

  4. Keep software updatedOutdated content can harm SEO and leave you vulnerable to hacks and other security risks. Always keep your software updated to the latest versions.

  5. Check your analyticsTake a look at your most popular pages. Make sure they reflect your latest content and keywords. These are also great pages to add links. Likewise, look for pages that have low time on page and/or high exit rates. If you think that the page warrants more time from users and/or should lead them to other places at the site, make sure the content is compelling and that the path to more related content is clear.

Jill Kurtz

Jill Kurtz is the owner and principal strategist at Kurtz Digital Strategy. She is an expert at digital marketing, social media strategy, strategic communication, and public relations. Prior to launching KDS, Jill served as in-house marketing and public relations expert for General MotorsInternational PaperFairfax County Public Schools, and American Public University System. Her project success stories show the variety of business goals that can be reached with the right online communication and marketing strategy.


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