Executive Briefing 1.7.15 - Kickstart Your Career; Resume Rules 2016; Body Language Tricks to Power Up Your Career

CommPRO-Executive-BriefingIn today’s Executive Briefing we want to help you kickstart your career in 2016.  First we hear from Marie Raperto, The Hiring Hub and take a look at Resume Rules: 2016.  We also hear from Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D about 10 Body Language Tricks to Power Up Your Career in 2016.As we begin 2016 and start our sixth year of publishing CommPRO, I’d like to take a moment to thank our loyal readers and partners for their continued support. We hope our new readers enjoy CommPRO and welcome your feedback and suggestions so we continue to provide a unique and relevant service. You can reach me at: fay@commpro.biz.

Click here to view today’s post.

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