Five Steps to Winning SEO

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

Search engine optimization (SEO) requirements change over time. If you are working to achieve SEO today, here are five items to keep in mind:

Have a Focus

Just about every business has multiple offerings. Most can do many things for clients. But you have to put your stake in the sand for SEO. What is THE thing you do best? Focus your SEO around that.

Questions More than Words

Today’s searchers like to ask questions. This is typical when using voice search tools like Siri and Alexa. It is also becoming more common for text searches in Google. Expand your thinking beyond keywords to the questions people commonly ask to find what you offer.

Content Worthy of High Ranking

If you want to rank well, your content has to be worthy. Provide quality information to searchers. Offer helpful information. Connect them with valuable resources. Search engines want to connect people to content that helps them. Be that content.

Structure for the Reader

Excellent content that is hard to read online won’t work. Structure your content so that the title and the subheads alone offer valuable information. In between, offer short sentences and brief paragraphs that offer more detail.

Meta Descriptions Matter

Meta keyword tags died a long time ago from misuse, but the meta description tag is still important for search. This is the brief text that comes up on the search results page. Make sure it says something that will earn you a click through.

Jill Kurtz

Jill Kurtz is the owner and principal strategist at Kurtz Digital Strategy. She is an expert at digital marketing, social media strategy, strategic communication, and public relations. Prior to launching KDS, Jill served as in-house marketing and public relations expert for General MotorsInternational PaperFairfax County Public Schools, and American Public University System. Her project success stories show the variety of business goals that can be reached with the right online communication and marketing strategy.

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