How to Create Content that Gets Read

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

Creating content is a grind. Creating content that no one reads is a bummer on top of the grind. Follow these tips to develop content that gets read.

First, set realistic expectations.

Don’t worry about “going viral,” focus on reaching your target audience. You don’t need to reach everyone, you need to reach only the people who need to know about what you offer.Further, don’t expect everyone to engage with everything. People have limited amounts of attention to give to you. Embrace what they can offer – periodic engagement.

Produce content that matters.

Quality trumps volume. Every time. Create content to serve your audience. Fewer items of higher quality will serve you best.

Tell personal stories.

Storytelling works. Personal stories give your audience content they can’t get anywhere else.

Bring in other voices.

Select leaders in your industry and community and invite their participation. This can range from submitting posts, to images, to just lending a quote or thought. Adding more voices expands the range of your content and taps into related audiences.

Jill Kurtz

Jill Kurtz is the owner and principal strategist at Kurtz Digital Strategy. She is an expert at digital marketing, social media strategy, strategic communication, and public relations. Prior to launching KDS, Jill served as in-house marketing and public relations expert for General MotorsInternational PaperFairfax County Public Schools, and American Public University System. Her project success stories show the variety of business goals that can be reached with the right online communication and marketing strategy.

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