Is Your Social Media Profile Photo Awesome?

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

Your profile photo makes a visual impression of you online. So, it needs to be a worthy representation. Make it awesome.

Keep in mind, that many people may “meet” you for the first time online. So, your profile picture could be the first visual that they associate with you. An image that does not help people connect with you or does not portray you how you would like to be perceived ruins your opportunity to make a great first impression online.

Your profile image reminds users that behind each profile is a real, living and breathing professional. If you’re using social media to build your brand and to generate business, (and you should be) the importance of a good head shot cannot be emphasized enough.People are using your photo to size you up in a matter of seconds to see who you are and what (if any) interest they should have in your profile and content. That Simpsons avatar doesn’t help. Neither does the picture of your cat.

Consider this stat from LinkedIn: Simply having a profile photo results in up to 21x more profile views and 9x more connection requests.

Here’s some tips on how to get an awesome profile picture:

  • A professional head shot is often the safest route to a great profile picture. Professional photographers know how to make you look great.

  • Wear attire that is what you wear when working. Look the part.

  • Avoid trendy accessories that will date your photo.

  • Your eyes should be looking into the camera. You are building trust and making a connection, and eye contact is important.

  • Smile.

Jill Kurtz

Remember, your social media profile may be someone’s first introduction to you. Further, visuals make a great impression than words. Make your your profile images are conveying the right things about you.

[author]About the Author:Jill Kurtz founded Kurtz Digital Strategy to help clients see the communication potential of the newest trends and technologies. She is an expert at website strategy and redesign, social media planning, and developing exceptional content.[/author]

Jill Kurtz

Jill Kurtz is the owner and principal strategist at Kurtz Digital Strategy. She is an expert at digital marketing, social media strategy, strategic communication, and public relations. Prior to launching KDS, Jill served as in-house marketing and public relations expert for General MotorsInternational PaperFairfax County Public Schools, and American Public University System. Her project success stories show the variety of business goals that can be reached with the right online communication and marketing strategy.

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