Mindful Messaging: Why You Should Stop Hitting ‘Reply All’ to Emails

Mindful messaging

Deloitte’s chief well-being officer offers tips for sending internal emails with intention.

There are several ways to foster stronger employee communications across your organization, from holding town halls to hosting virtual happy hours and launching employee resource groups.While that’s all well and good, many communicators skip over the part where they work with managers to articulate how employees can best communicate with each other across internal channels. In a time of remote and hybrid work, establishing these ground rules is critical. And, in a time when your workforce receives more emails than ever, creating the conditions for mindful email etiquette can be a foundational way to promote employee well-being.

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That’s why Jen Fisher, chief well-being officer at Deloitte and co-author of“Work Better Together: How to Cultivate Strong Relationships to Maximize Well-Being and Boost Bottom Lines,”is on a mission to eliminate the reply-all email from inboxes across all digital workplaces.Continue reading here..

Justin Joffe

Justin Joffe is the manager of strategic programming at Ragan Communications.


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