Resume Writing: Stuck For Verbs?
Marie Raperto, The Hiring Hub
Resume writing is a hard job. Deciding what to include, what buzzwords to use, what length it should be can be intimidating at times. Perhaps the most annoying is not duplicating verbs. Thanks to Career Cloud, here are some substitutions you can make.
Instead of ACHIEVED: Accelerated, Accomplished, Advanced, Amplified, Attained, Boosted, Completed, Created, Delivered, Demonstrated, Earned, Enacted, Enhanced, Expanded, Expedited, Generated, Improved, Lifted, Managed, Maximized, Outpaced, Produced, Reached, Stimulated, Surpassed.
Instead of ASSISTED: Aided, Advanced, Boosted, Counseled, Coached, Cooperated, Collaborated, Facilitated, Promoted, Reinforced, Supported.
Instead of COMMUNICATED: Advocated, Authored, Clarified, Composed, Consulted, Conveyed, Corresponded, Defined, Explained, Fielded, Illustrated, Informed, Interacted, Mediated, Moderated, Negotiated, Networked, Promoted, Persuaded.'
Instead of CREATED: Altered, Built, Crafted, Designed, Devised, Drafted, Envisioned, Established, Fashioned, Formulated, Initiated, Invented, Launched, Overhauled, Piloted, Pioneered, Rebuilt.
Instead of DECREASED: Condensed, Conserved, Consolidated, Deducted, Eased, Lessened, Reduced.Instead of EXPERIENCED: Accomplished, Capable, Competent, Qualified, Skilled, Cultivated.
Instead of IMPROVED: Boosted, Converted, Customized, Influenced, Integrated, Merged, Redesigned, Overhauled, Remodeled, Reorganized, Restructured, Revitalized, Saved, Streamlined, Strengthened, Transformed, Updated.
Instead of INCREASED: Advanced, Capitalized, Delivered, Enhanced, Expanded, Furthered, Generated, Maximized.
Instead of LED: Directed, Enacted, Executed, Guided, Impacted, Influenced, Initialized, Orchestrated, Oversee, Spearheaded.
Instead of MANAGED: Aligned, Coordinated, Cultivated, Directed, Enabled, Facilitated, Fostered, Guided, Motivated, Piloted, Supervised, Trained.
Instead of Worked On: Arranged, Compiled, Composed, Constructed, Crafted, Created, Developed, Fashioned, Forged, Formulated, Operated, Organized, Prepared, Set-up, Undertook.Happy updating!