The Truth about Why There Aren't More Women at the Top

The Steps Organizations and Women Must Take to Make a Giant Shift

While gender diversity is a hallmark of the most successful organizations, gender bias -  particularly in the C-suite and at senior leadership levels - continues to persist.

The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadershiprecognizes that not only do organizations need to change, but there are key tactics and strategies women can take to influence decision makers and heighten their leadership abilities to be recognized and promoted to the highest levels.

In thisCommPROWebcast, The Truth about Why There Aren't More Women at the Top…and the Steps Companies and Women Can Take to Make a Giant Shift,  you will hear froma panel of experts about the strategies and actions to solve this pressing issue.

Here are  a few issues our panel will address:

  • How does gender bias impact the bottom line and success of growing organizations

  • What do small and large organizations  need to do to benefit from having more women leaders at the top

  • Why men need to be part of the solution

  • What responsibility do women bear  in gender bias in the workplace

  • What tools, skills or new habits do women need to propel them forward into the c-suite and the boardroom?

This webcast is in support of GWU’s upcoming 3-day Women’s Leadership Program: Strategies for Accelerating Impact, Influence and Advancement, on October 23-25 in Washington, DC.  Designed for women leaders in the private and public sectors who aspire to positions of greater influence and impact or have been identified by their organizations as high-potential leaders,  this breakthrough 3-day program will provide new strategies and tactics for women to take the lead and succeed at higher levels. For more information and to apply for the GWU CEPL 3-Day Women’s Leadership  program click here.


  • Lisa Friedman, Co-Author and Senior Researcher,The Everest Project: 2 year study of senior women leading change and innovation

  • Joseph Santana, Chairman of the Institute for Corporate Productivity Chief Diversity Officer Board

  • Cary Broussard, Author, "From Cinderella to CEO," CEO, Broussard Global Communications

  • Leslie Grossman, Author, Link Out and SELLsation; women's leadership executive coach and trainer;  Senior Fellow & Faculty, The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership;  Co-founder, The Women's Leadership Exchange

  • Moderator:  Ina Gjikondi, PCC, Director, Executive Education & Coaching, The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership



Ina Gjikondi, PCC, Director, Executive Education & Coaching, The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership

Ina is currently the Director of Executive Education & Coaching at the George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership. In this capacity she runs the day-to-day operations for the Open Enrollment & Coaching Programs and customized offerings of the government clients, which include leadership development work and executive coaching. In addition, she does outreach and develops new strategic partnerships. Ina is an organizational development professional and an ICF Certified Coach. In her work she integrates a variety of approaches and nuances in leadership development, training design and delivery, inspired and grounded by different schools of thought and wisdom in the world.  She has experience working in multicultural environments and believes in the power of the language as an orientation to life, change and growth. Her experience with leadership development and coaching has been primarily within the public sector with leaders across the organization, both at the federal and the local level. Prior to that Ina worked with various international and local nonprofits in Albania, her home country.Ina is a Certified Integral Coach from the New Ventures West Coaching School. She holds an MA in Human Resources Development and an MPS in Political Management, both from the George Washington University. She did her BA in Law at the University of Tirana, Albania.She is fluent in Albanian, English and Italian and has working knowledge of French. She loves working with women groups and especially women entrepreneurs and/or in transition. Her passion is to work individually with people who have openness for learning and are curious. She likes to see herself as an enabler of growth and prosperity.She envisions a world where people create beauty and sustain safe communities, where the individual is able to live in Henosis (ΕΝΩΣΙΣ), oneness and the society is in full awareness, goodness and gratitude.


Lisa Friedman, President, LF Consulting, LLC

Lisa was a Senior Researcher for the Everest Project and Co-Author of The Eve of Change: Women Redefining Corporate America, a 2016 study sponsored by Time Warner and Walmart that identifies key strategies that senior women across affinity groups use to lead transformational change in their organizations.Lisa has over 30 years of experience in human resources, diversity and inclusion and leadership, most recently at   JPMorgan Chase where she held leadership roles in all areas of individual and organizational development.  Presently, She leads an organizational development consulting firm focused on helping organizations achieve maximum business results through the development of individuals, managers, executives and teams.   

Joseph Santana, Chairman of the Institute for Corporate Productivity Chief Diversity Officer Board




, is Chairman of the Institute for Corporate Productivity Chief Diversity Officer Board. In addition to this, he is a speaker, author and media commentator quoted in several publications and books including Tom Friedman's 2005 international best-seller, The World is Flat. His recently released latest book, 

Supercharge Your ERGs - 18 Tips to Power-up Your ERG/BRG Strategy

 is designed to help employee network group leaders generate huge ROI gains for their companies while driving the inclusion and development of women and other formally underrepresented groups in the workplace. Joe also offers free weekly 60-second email tips to leaders of employee resource groups. Just click 


to sign up.

Cary Broussard,CEO, Broussard Global Communications, Author, "From Cinderella to CEO"

Cary is a New York University adjunct professor in the Tisch Center for Hospitality, Travel and Tourism and owns Broussard Global, a cause-related, public relations and marketing company.  A communications and brand management expert and long time advocate for women, Cary engages audiences globally about how to successfully navigate issues affecting career and the workplace.

Her company works across all industries to create inclusive, brand-defining marketing programs. Her book, From Cinderella to CEO is published in 10 languages. Her podcast CinderellaCEO On Air can be found on iTunes.

A long time PR & marketing executive with Wyndham, she helped grow the company from 40 hotels to 7,000. Cary has also held executive positions with the American Cancer Society, The Peabody Hotel, U.S. Senator Howard Baker, Meeting Professionals International and the Alliance for Women in Media.  Background and websites:,,  

Leslie Grossman, Senior Fellow & Faculty, The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership

Leslie Grossman lives her purpose – developing, coaching and transforming women executives and entrepreneurs to achieve their personal visions of success.  Her focus is on supporting and training women to become effective communicators with leadership presence and confidence and to build trusted relationships throughout their careers.Founder of the Women's Leadership Exchange, a national conference program from 2001 – 2010, a former business owner, and a Chair for Vistage International, Leslie is an executive leadership coach, trainer, speaker and facilitator of groups and advisory boards.  She presents workshops to many organizations, including LATAM Business School, Impact Leadership 21 and Leading with Edge; and is a senior fellow and on the faculty of The George Washington University Center for Excellence in Public Leadership. She is the author of two books, "Link Out: How to Turn Your Network into a Chain of Lasting Connections "(Wiley) and "Sellsation: How Companies Can Capture Today’s Hottest Market: Women Business Owners and Executives "(WPE Press). Her TEDx Talk: “The Value of Having an Entourage” is highly viewed and espouses how the most innovative ideas and results come from collaborating among trusted allies.  She can be reached at

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