Welcome to the Active Listening Channel

How good of a listener are you? Do you truly hear and understand what your colleagues, customers, friends or family really want? Frankly, people are just not good listeners. We always get very excited about what we can say or do next that we sometimes forget to be in the moment and listen and learn from what we can hear from others.

In business it can be even worse at times. We are not listening to our management, entire team and our customers. We spend a lot of time planning what we will say in the market and what we tell our customers. It’s no wonder since companies typically do not take the time to train their employees to be open listeners or even critical listeners. To top it all off, remote work is adding to the feeling of just not being heard.

In CommPRO’s new Active Listening channel we hope to share with you new and innovative approaches to training all members of your organization in the art and science of active listening. By combining emotional intelligence and active listening skills companies can benefit by retaining employees, turning employees into listening leaders, increasing trust in the workplace, increasing customer understanding, growing revenue and more.

“Research shows that listening is the most important business skill. Inspired by the impact of our Active Listening as a Service (ALaas) app, we are excited to launch the Atlantic Listening Academy to train our team and yours to be better listeners. Being a better listener makes you a stronger professional in any industry, enhances personal relationships, and has a high correlation with reducing loneliness and improves your physical health,” shared Adi Y. Segal, CEO @ Hapi.

People do not have the ability to sit in silence and neither do we. With the support of Hapi, we want to explore topics like:

  • Important leadership skills to bring to your team

  • Integrating listening into your corporate culture

  • Training yourself and others to be good listeners

  • How to find out what your customers actually need and want

  • Learning what your employees are actually feeling and saying  

Learning to listen to your team and your customers will grow your business.

CommPRO Editorial
For more than a decade, CommPRO has helped the communications industry become more connected, informed and creative.

PR Masters Series Podcast, Episode #68 – Helen C. Shelton, Global Chief Diversity Officer at Finn Partners


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