4 Easy Ways to Become a More Inspiring Leader

4 Easy Ways to Become a More Inspiring LeaderAdam Jiwan,  Technology Entrepreneur

Taking on a leadership role can be a lot of hard work. Leaders don't just earn more money or command more respect from their teams. These people are a crucial source of inspiration and motivation for other people in a business environment. They're there to guide experts towards achieving both their individual goals and the targets of the business. 

Although adapting to a leadership position can seem like quite the challenge at first, there are things that anyone can do to improve their skills and connect with their teams on a deeper level. These four tips are sure to help.

1.     Build a Stronger Relationship with the Team 

To lead a group effectively, it's important for managers and supervisors to build a sense of mutual respect and understanding between themselves and their team members. One of the easiest ways to do this is to communicate frequently with everyone. Regular communication helps to keep information flowing freely around the business, and it ensures that everyone's working together on the same page. Leaders who understand their teams can even benefit from better delegation practices in the future.

2.     Focus Heavily on Positives 

Ultimately, no business can avoid mistakes and problems forever. When obstacles happen, the most inspiring leaders don't let those problems hold them back or stop them from accomplishing great things. Instead, they learn from the problem and use the experience as a stepping stone to accomplish better things. 

Great leaders also make sure that they don't spend too much time focusing on the negative side when things go wrong. Instead, they draw attention back to the positives whenever possible. For instance, if a team doesn't meet their sales targets one month, they might highlight how well they did the month before and remind them of what they can accomplish.

3.     Always Show Instead of Tell 

A great leader isn't just someone who tells other people on their team what to do and when to do it. In fact, this is a sign of a relatively poor leader. Instead, people who inspire and motivate their team are also ready to jump into action and be the first people to try out new strategies or training when necessary. When a leader wants their team to do something differently, they show them a step-by-step guide of how to do it. 

Great leaders know that their teams turn to them for an example of how to act on a day-to-day basis. That's why they're constantly acting as the perfect representation of the kind of employee they believe all their coworkers should be.

4.     Seek Feedback 

Finally, the best leaders aren't afraid of criticism - they take it in their stride. Just as the best leaders need to know how to dole out constructive advice from time to time, they also know that they need to get feedback from their teams to perform well too. Leaders can get feedback from a range of different places, whether it's asking for advice from employees in an anonymous survey, or simply speaking to a business mentor.


Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


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