A Complete Guide to Resume Writing in the Blockchain Industry

Grace Carter, Editor, UKWritingsThe blockchain industry is one of the most expansive industries in recent years and is one of the most demanded sectors in the world of work. With new updates and technology coming out all the time, and pay grades ranging in the $158K average range, it’s no wonder the industry is so popular.However, if you’re planning to make your move into the blockchain industry and start or progress your career, you’re going to need the perfect resume to create those opportunities. Always remember when applying for a job that your resume is your first impression, so you’ll want to make it count.Today, we’re going to explore everything you need to know in order to craft this stellar resume, giving you everything you need to get the blockchain career you’re looking for.

Read the Job Description

Before you start writing anything, it’s important to go through the job description you’re applying for and make sure you have absolute clarity when it comes to what the company wants to know. Read through it several times.When reading, make notes on the key points you’ll want to address in your resume to ensure you don’t leave anything out.It’s important that you write a new resume for every job you’re applying for. This keeps your resume from sounding too generic and will give you the opportunity to maximize your chances for securing an interview.

Consider the Qualifications Required

One of the most important things your recruiter will be looking for is your qualifications in the blockchain industry. Ideally, you’re going to want to detail your computer or engineering backgrounds, or some kind of digital science.This will be what the recruiter is looking for, so make sure it’s clearly visible as one of your first points. You will also need to demonstrate your ability to work with cryptocurrency, or at least prove you have a basic grasp of what it is and how it works.

Know Your Company

There are businesses of all sizes hiring people in the blockchain industry, and it’s important you know what you’re dealing with when it comes to writing your resume. Some of the companies may be large global companies, or some may be domestic start-ups.Knowing this information is important because you’ll be able to craft your resume to suit the needs of that business. Read up on the company’s mission statement and visions, as well as researching their social media pages to get an idea of what they stand for.

Write to the Highest Quality

Any mistakes, typos or grammatical errors and the recruiter won’t take your application seriously. If you doubt your writing ability, use online tools that can help.

Showcase Your Experiences

Since blockchain is a relatively new industry, many recruiters are still unsure of what they’re looking for, especially those in smaller businesses. With that in mind, the more detail you can share about your involvement in the blockchain industry, the better.Have you attended courses? Have you attended seminars and blockchain meetups? What past experience do you have working with blockchain technology; both in your career and personal life? These are all things you’re going to need to include in your resume to stand out.While you need to remember to try not to overload your recruiter with information, it’s important that you clearly showcase your involvement in the industry and thus what you can bring to the table. If you haven’t got much to say in this area, then you’re probably going to need to spend some time getting the experiences. Otherwise, you won’t be hired onto the next stage of the recruitment process.

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


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