A Great Place to Work Can Stem the Tide of Employees Looking Elsewhere

A Great Place to Work Can Stem the Tide of Employees Looking Elsewhere One in four US workers plans to leave their job in 2022. Some are changing jobs, but many are switching careers. Since people are the backbone of any business, how can you stem the tide of this Great Resignation taking place in America? The best defense is a culture that makes your company a great place to work.

Reasons for looking for another job

The first action is to understand why this trend is happening. The ongoing global pandemic has enabled workers to rethink their careers, work/life balance, long-term goals, and working conditions. Many companies have come up short. When employees are deeply dissatisfied with their work situations and they can see alternative options, they will make the move.

Burnout and a lack of flexible working conditions are often the reason given for looking elsewhere. The trend is the result of people digesting the lessons of the pandemic and the lockdown and reimagining what they'd like their lives to look like. Being miserable at work has become unacceptable.

What are employees looking for right now?

The pandemic took its toll on workers. The uncertainty and financial strain caused a marked rise in mental health issues. If an employee feels that the company is not sufficiently supportive during this time, it only makes tough times even worse. Loss and grief are other factors in the rising mental health crisis. Companies must be aware of these problems and willing to be as supportive as possible.

Addressing burnout, as well as the grief and loss many people have endured, is one of the key challenges for employers trying to hold on to their best workers, according to McKinsey & Company. Workers want  a great place to work that gives every person at the company full support.

What makes a company a great place to work?

A flexible work environment and schedule is high on the list. According to a recent Beamery survey, more than a third said their work/life balance was better at the height of the pandemic and 42 percent want flexible working to continue. 

Hire people who share the values and attitudes embraced by the company. This can make work fun, rewarding, and challenging. That’s likely to increase engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction.

Build a community of trust around the employees. Support them in striving for their individual and work goals. Encourage a culture of celebration. Mark achievements both large and small for the company and the individuals, so that everyone shares in the win.

One of the best ways to improve your company culture and stem the tide of employees looking elsewhere for job satisfaction is to do a thorough and extensive employee survey. The results can uncover previously unknown problems, highlight weak areas, and help you to strengthen the positive aspects of your business. Set the bar high – aim to make your company an amazing workplace!



Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


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