Agency Owners! We’re Blowing Up Your Exit Plan. Want to Watch?
You’ve Set Your Revenue and EBITDA Goals, and (In X Years) You’re Going to Walk Away with Millions. Wrong.
Britt Carter, President, Pemberton
My partner Mark and I are consultants to consultants. Still reading? It gets worse. We spend most days telling our clients about all the mistakes they can avoid and how their hopes and dreams are going to come crashing down. Unless they truly understand the ‘Cost of Inaction.’
Let’s back up for a moment. Mark and I are old (sorry, Mark) PR agency guys. We’ve worked for the best and the worst out there. And that includes working for ourselves. There is one consistent truth about the people who own agencies: At some point they want to cash out. They may want to sell it to another, bigger agency. Or do an MBO with their 2nd tier leaders, or maybe leave it to Junior. In any case there is a payday coming. The problem is that most agency owners are wrong about a) when they can exit, and b) how much they’ll walk with.
- Have empathy for the client.
- Understand you and your agency’s resources and capabilities.
- Manage for GREAT results.
- Be present.
- Own the Ecosystem
- Build trust and be able to transfer that trust.
- Have patience.
- Solve, DON’T SELL.
By growing organically by 10 percent annually, our agency grosses more than $2,000,000. By growing organically by 25 percent, that number becomes more than $7,000,000. Goal achieved!No agency can grow exclusively on their organic efforts, but too often the focus is on net new business, and organic growth (revenue expansion) is a lower priority. Agency owners, please take a hard look at your revenue expansion efforts. Chances are you’re leaving a lot on the table, which could leave you chained to your laptop far longer than you expect. You’re welcome!
Here’s a handy chart to show you what we’re talking about: