Carmelo Cutuli will Manage the Media and Information Sector of Confassociazioni

CommPRO Editorial StaffConfassociazioni, the body that aggregates Italian federations, associations, companies and individuals who carry out or represent professional activities in Italy and Europe, inaugurates the confederal sector that aggregates the Italian media.Carmelo Cutuli, Of Counsel, Senior Advisor Italy, TransMediaGroup Inc.Confassociazioni has, of today, over 1,030,000 members in Italy, including over 650 large professional associations and 220,000 companies. Carmelo Cutuli, Confassociazioni's long-standing officer and international professional in institutional and media relations, has been appointed president of the new branch.With a degree in economics, Cutuli is a member of the Ordine dei Giornalisti del Lazio and the Public Relations Society of America and is professionally involved in institutional, external and media relations at an international level. A passionate communicator, he was one of the first Italian professionals to take an interest in digital communication tools, offering advice to several North American public relations companies, among these, the Florida based Madden’s TransMedia Group .He worked for years in a public company where he was in charge of international marketing and communication, dealing with important internationalization projects, with particular reference to the North American continent.Former member of the board of one of the oldest and most important Italian-American Chambers of Commerce, he has also held the positions of director and president in some important friendship organizations between Italy and the United States. He is currently President of the Rome Chapter of the Order of the Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, the oldest and most consolidated organization supporting American citizens of Italian descent.The new branch dedicated is dedicated to the Italian Media sector," said President Cutuli, "and is aimed to foster networking among the various players in this industry, which is unfortunately very fragmented and unsupported in Italy today, especially when it comes to online media, encouraging interaction between members and the Confassociazioni System, a vast multi-sector business network where the media can find their natural stakeholders and contribute to the development of networking opportunities.The management structure, chaired by Carmelo Cutuli, is composed of: Francesco Pira, Vice President; Michele Ficara Manganelli, Head of the Swiss Italian Area; Alessandro Conte, Head of the Central Italy Area; Patrizia Paesano, Head of the Islands Area; Giulia Reina, Vice Secretary General. To these initials will be added, in the coming months, further delegations."We are very pleased - said the National President of Confassociazioni, Angelo Deiana - to count among our members, as well as among the professionals in our renewed organization chart, the representatives of the media and information world. We are now ready to welcome in our network, which sees exponential growth rates of associates and organizations, newspapers, media networks and all the actors, including informal ones, in the world of information, offering them the value of our membership system".

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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