Carol Kinsey Goman Releases New Book, "Stand Out: How to Build Your Leadership Presence"

New Book Reveals How to Use Body Language to Increase Leadership Effectiveness, Build Trust & Inspire Other

CommPRO Editorial Staff

In business, first impressions are crucial—especially during 2020 and the age of Zoom meetings. If you are labeled as “trustworthy” or “suspicious,” “powerful” or “submissive” everything else you do will be viewed through that filter. Your use of personal space, physical gestures, posture, facial expressions and eye contact can enhance, support, weaken or even sabotage your impact as a leader. 

In her timely new book,Stand Out: How to Build Your Leadership Presence [Kogan Page, September 29, 2020] international speaker and body language expert, Carol Kinsey Goman, walks you through achieving a powerful physical presence so you get that next promotion and give your career that extra boost. Stand Out’s timely topic will help emerging leaders develop their leadership presence and secure a spot at the board-room table or an office in the C-suite as we head in to 2021.

“In Stand Out, readers will learn that the goal of leadership presence is to align other people's impression of you with your best authentic self,” Goman says. “I also reveal how leadership presence is different for women, why you can’t ‘fake it until you make it’ and why self-promotion is essential.”

Can you project confidence and poise under pressure - do you already have a presence? Stand Out also covers the following themes: 

  • Tips for developing the five C’s of Leadership Presence: Credibility, Confidence, Composure, Connection, and Charisma

  • A leadership title or tremendous leadership potential alone does not give you presence 

  • Leadership presence is what people say about your after you leave the room

  • Leadership presence won’t matter if you’re not visible

  • How leadership presence is different for men and women

  • How to project a leadership presence on Zoom & Skype

  • The science behind talking with your hands

An engaging, international speaker, and veteran media commentator, Goman can also discuss:

  • The biggest mistake you can make during a meeting 

  • How to make a positive first impression in seven seconds

  • What leadership presence looks like to your global team

  • Demystifying the body language of top business leaders 

  • What men need to know to help women succeed 

  • How to prepare for in-person meetings as physical distancing (hopefully) ends in 2021

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