Change: 6 Job Search Changes For 2016

Dream JobAll things change, even job search strategies.  All employers are looking for adaptability as corporate strategies and positions can change quickly and adaptability in your job search is a must.  Social media, time pressures, employer applicant tracking systems have all had an impact on how we job hunt.  It's harder than ever to get a hiring manager's or recruiter's attention so it's essential that you move from the old, tried and true job hunting advice.  Keep these tips in mind as your start your 2016 job search.1.  Resumes.  You need to have an updated resume but, when looking for passive candidates, recruiting pros will find you on social media or through networking.  Your profiles must be up-to-date with all the right keywords.  In 2016, you will probably be found online and then asked for a resume.Also, recruiters have less time to review resumes and read them on different types of equipment.  Your resume needs to be concise.  Every word counts.  Your resume must also be targeted for each position.  One resume does not fit all any more.  Use the wording and keywords from an ad or job description in your resume.2.  Social/Digital Media.  Being on the sites and having  great profile is not enough.  You must be ACTIVE.  Publish, pass on interesting articles and be active in groups.3.  Brand.  In today's world, you must prove that you can bring value to a company.  It's just not your skills an employer wants.  Your brand must be on all your career marketing materials.4.  Networking.  To be found, be seen.  Build your network in person as well as online.  When you meet someone, don't you go home and check them out online?   It's what everyone does and how you can find your next position.5.  Passion.  While every recruiter will understand that you need a job, they want someone who is passionate about their open position.   It's not about answering every ad, it's about answering ads that fit your background and that you really have an interest in pursuing.6. Learn.  Our field is  changing one and you must keep current.  Keep learning, picking up new skills and show your entrepreneurial side.It's a brave new world, go out there and find that new job! 

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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