Change Communications Lessons From President Biden’s Decision

Change Communications Lessons From President Biden’s Decision Ragan Communications CommPRO

Last weekend, the nation and the world reacted to the stunning news that President Joe Biden dropped his bid for another term in the White House. In doing so, he became the first incumbent commander-in-chief to withdraw from the race since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968.

The decision created waves not only for its political implications but for how it was communicated as well. Some early reports claimed that top staffers were unaware of the decision until it was publicly stated.

This historic event has far-reaching impacts on communicators. When you’ve got an important message to share, getting across to your internal stakeholders at the outset can help keep things aligned from both a cultural and operational standpoint, facilitating smoother transitions going forward.

Contingency in communications and decisive moves

Despite the best-laid plans, life and work don’t always follow a tight script. That’s why it’s critical to have contingency strategies in place for various outcomes, particularly when it comes to leadership changes.

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From CommPRO:

President Joe Biden’s unexpected decision to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race has sent shockwaves through the political landscape. Not only was he the first sitting president to make such a move since Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968, but the manner of his announcement also highlighted significant communication challenges.

Despite the president’s control over the narrative, many of his top staffers were unaware of his decision until it was publicly announced. This gap in internal communication underscores the importance for communicators to ensure that key stakeholders are informed ahead of critical announcements. This alignment is essential for cultural and operational coherence, especially during leadership transitions.

The situation demonstrates the necessity of having robust contingency communication plans. Lindsay Singleton from Rokk Solutions pointed out that while Biden’s approach allowed him to control the story, it left internal stakeholders unprepared, potentially hampering the execution of contingency plans.

Communicators should read this article to understand the critical balance between maintaining control over a narrative and ensuring internal stakeholders are adequately informed. The insights from this event emphasize the importance of strong internal messaging, the strategic planning of announcements, and the ability to manage unexpected changes effectively. The lessons learned here are invaluable for maintaining organizational stability and coherence during times of significant change.

Sean Devlin

Sean Devlin is an editor at Ragan Communications. In his spare time he enjoys Philly sports, a good pint and ’90s trivia night.

What Internal Communicators Can Learn From Biden’s Decision


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