Coronavirus and Veterans Virtual Forum

Free Virtual Forum: On-Demand Video

Live online event to feature Congressional leaders, heads of marquee veteran’s organizations, leading military figures and other expert panelists to address current and emerging COVID-19 impacts and challenges, misconceptions and problem/solution resolutions specific to the veteran community

As part of an on-going commitment to support America’s veterans, retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and Veterans Law Attorney John Berry, Jr., CEO of Berry Law Firm, will host a comprehensive Coronavirus and Veterans” virtual forum designed to tackle current challenges and address misconceptions from issues such as the effects of social distancing on mental health for Veterans and their families, VA restrictions and the impact on critical care, the economic effect that Veterans are experiencing as a direct result of COVID-19, and more. The discussion will include a recap of actions taken to help Veterans (including the stimulus bill), what practical solutions are being considered for the immediate future, as well as what we as a society can do moving forward to better support those who have already sacrificed so much for the greater good.

Participants of the virtual forum will include Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar; Assal Ravandi, CEO of The Academy of United States Veterans, and Chair of The VETTYS Awards; Air Force Colonel Dr. Mickra Hamilton (and one of the organization’s Human Potential Subject Experts); and retired Navy Seal Chriss Smith.As host of the event, Berry’s law firm boasts one of the largest clientele of veteran clients in the United States and has been featured on the Inc. 5000 list this past three consecutive years. Other expert event panelists will address current and emerging COVID-19 impacts, challenges, misconceptions and problem/solution resolutions specific to the veteran community.

This virtual forum will be live streamed at 1:00 p.m. ET on June 3, and those interested in joining can register online for free at With nearly a dozen military organizations and other partners already scheduled to participate—and considering the easy accessibility of the forum around the world via America’s vast network of military organizations, other online platforms and through social media—an audience of over 200,000 viewers is anticipated. 

For some perspective on the breadth of this problem, a recently released report by the Bob Woodruff Foundation reveals that more than 500,000 veterans live in the 15 cities that are most likely to be affected by pandemic-driven difficulties. As worrisome, the report also emphasized that COVID-19 is creating a “perfect storm” of emergent trauma and loneliness due to social isolation and unplanned wage or job loss that could threaten the mental health of many veterans—a group of men and women who have selflessly served and protected our great nation.  




Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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