Developers Can Now Mix And Match Any Blockchain Via The World's First Blockchain Router Editorial TeamBlocknet has released the beta version of XRouter, the world’s first blockchain router. XRouter opens the door for multi-chain, lightweight dApps to harness contracts and protocols from different blockchains, allowing them to communicate and use each others’ specific features. XRouter lays the foundation for multi-blockchain architectures and an “Internet of Blockchains”.Developers are now able to utilize the best aspects of any chain instead of building and coding a new dApp from scratch. You will be able to develop applications on any blockchain and offer services that utilize features from other blockchains, essentially mixing and matching any blockchain you desire. This means development can occur on any chain and the features needed can be pulled in from other blockchains. XRouter allows access to any available RPC command without needing that blockchain installed locally, and being decentralized, there are no servers to be trusted. XRouter also enables the verification of blockchain records from theoretically any blockchain without requiring users to download the blockchain in question.XRouter gives people, companies, industries, and developers the ability to utilize different blockchains for any dApp they desire and decentralizes the API ecosystem. XRouter works via an inter-blockchain SPV client (or “light wallet”) backend, enabling the verification of blockchain records from theoretically any blockchain. This is a huge leap forward in blockchain technology. The XRouter system utilizes the Blocknet Service Node network (currently almost 500 nodes) to route calls from the client directly to the respective blockchain.XRouter allows for the monetisation of inter-chain and multi-chain services. There is the capability to create custom microservices in Docker containers that act as plugins for XRouter. This is the foundation for Blocknet’s forthcoming XCloud platform. Existing containers on Docker Hub (, including a large number of Enterprise applications, can also be monetized and served through Blocknet’s XRouter interoperability protocol. Developers and Service Node operators will be able to test XCloud Docker applications in XRouter Beta.Source: Blockchain Wire

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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