Doing More with Less: 5 Strategies for More Efficient, Less Stressful Comms

Communicators are expected to wear not just many hats but every hat, and to wear them all happily without a hint of resistance. What can you do?

Amanda Ponzar, Ragan Communications

If orange is the new black, and fifty is the new forty, doing more with less is the new work normal. Expectations are up, resources are down. This seems universally applicable to communicators regardless of where they reside: company, nonprofit, government, or agency. Employees leave, positions aren’t rehired and the work simply shifts to remaining staff. Work responsibilities significantly increase (congratulations) without adding people or funds (uh oh). Communicators are expected to wear not just many hats but every hat, and to wear them all happily without a hint of resistance.

[RELATED:Join us Aug. 16-17 in Chicago for our Workplace Wellness Conference]What can you do?

  • Focus on self-care first. It can feel absolutely overwhelming to do great work when you’re overrun and underappreciated. When you’re burned out, your productivity will plummet. So, unless it’s a life-or-death comms matter—saving Private Ryan or evacuating before an alien invasion—pace yourself and prioritize your health and wellbeing. Get enough sleep, arrange regular health appointments, drink water (not just coffee), find time for physical activity, and spend time with people who bring you joy. Even taking a quick walk to decompress can clear your head and boost your creativity.

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