5 Skills For Effective Management

David Diaz, Senior Manager, Davenport Laroche

An effective manager is more than just someone who tells a team of people what they need to do every day. As a boss, a leader, and a motivator, a manager needs to be able to adapt with the times and support their employees in a range of complex scenarios. While there's no ultimate guide to being the most inspirational supervisor, there are certain characteristics that some of the best modern leaders seem to share. 

Without the following skills, it would be difficult for anyone to shine at the head of a company, regardless of how impressive their experience or qualifications might be.

1.     Relationship Skills

Too many people assume that becoming a manager is all about barking orders and filling in paperwork. However, the truth is that an effective leader needs to be able to connect with his or her staff if they want to motivate those people towards success. Great interpersonal skills can transform a substandard manager into someone that employees turn to when they need help achieving both personal and professional goals. Fortunately, building good interpersonal skills doesn't have to be difficult. It all starts with treating colleagues with respect and dignity.

5 Skills For Effective Management2.     Communication Skills 

A manager also needs to communicate effectively if they want to make sure that everyone in their team is working on the same page. This doesn't just mean that a leader needs to be good at face-to-face conversations, but also texting, emailing, and video conferencing too. Listening is an important communication skill that many managers overlook. However, it's important for a great boss to receive and respond to feedback from their workers if they want to improve.

3.     Team-Building Skills 

A great manager makes their employees more proficient at their jobs by helping them to work together to achieve complex goals. Bosses need to empower groups by ensuring that the right people are working together. Not only should a good manager know where to assign certain tasks to suit each individual expert's skill set, but he or she should also be willing to come, and problem solve when projects aren't meeting expectations, or conflicts begin to arise.

4.     Analytical Skills 

In a fast-moving world like the one we inhabit today, managers need to be able to evaluate their efforts and figure out what's working. A good manager knows how to look at numbers, cash flow, and reports, and determine what needs to change so that the whole team can perform better. Fortunately, there are plenty of technology tools available in 2018 to help with this, including analytical resources for everything from cash flow, to marketing campaigns.

5.     Leadership Skills 

Finally, a truly incredible manager isn't just someone that stands at the head of a company. While anyone can be promoted to a managerial position, it takes a true leader to turn a business around and give it the tools it needs to achieve real, sustainable success. A manager with leadership skills will inspire their workers, help to motivate them towards achieving their goals and give them the tools they need to develop over time.

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.




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