Empowering Women to be Leaders - Be Authentic, Informed and Multidimensional

Rebecca Cenni-Leventhal, Founder and CEO of Atrium With all that’s changing in the C-suite, visibility is becoming increasingly important. For women who’d like to make a push for their place in the executive suite, now is the time! CEOs depend on a strong team of experts to bring business strategy to life, and we’re seeing a powerful push to meet new market demands with an increased amount of C-level positions.

Be informed.

With room for new faces at the table, make sure you’re equipped for C-level conversation when opportunities arise. Stay on top of market trends and the effect they have on the business. Share relevant information and unique insight with the executive team to build your credibility. If you consistently provide valuable information, your communications can establish a respected rapport within the C-suite. CEOs are only as strong as the team that surrounds them. Focus on building meaningful relationships and mutual trust.

Be multidimensional.

The C-suite is all about understanding the big picture. Make sure the executive team can depend on you for that. Innovation is a constant in business, so it is in your best interest to continually learn and develop your skillsets. While it’s important to be an expert in your job function, it’s equally as important to grow your knowledge in critical data and analytical areas.   Understanding how things like digital transformation, artificial intelligence and data science are impacting business are key to understanding the big picture.

Be present.

Whether you are in the room or not, make sure your voice is heard. If you are not a part of a meeting or decision, but you believe your idea or opinion deserves a platform, then ask for one! Don’t let fear dictate your outcomes. Even if it’s not possible for you to be included in the meeting, your thoughts can still be a part of the discussion. Try engaging an attendee prior to the scheduled meeting to discuss the point you’d like to make and ask them to speak to it when they have the floor. If it’s valuable insight, it will be appreciated.

Be authentic.

Self-promoting can be uncomfortable. But, your personal brand matters and contributes to business success. It’s important to stay top-of-mind, so you should leverage all the opportunities you can to make yourself more visible. Identify what stands out about your character and how you can share your authenticity with the world. Then, grow your PR. Generate thought leadership. Amplify your influence through social media, blogs, speaking opportunities and other channels where your voice can be heard.Opportunity is on the rise, and the chance to elevate your role is very real. The new Chiefs we’re seeing in the market are those that are critical for success in today’s business landscape— Innovation, Digital, Data, Sustainability, People and Diversity. Make sure you’re a part of the conversation, because the world wants to hear from you.

About the Author: Rebecca Cenni-Leventhal is founder and CEO of Atrium, a leading workforce solutions firm founded in 1995 with a revolutionary Applicant-Centric™ recruitment model. Today, Rebecca continues to focus on strengthening the human value in work culture through her all-inclusive talent solutions that complement partnerships across fifty states. Often referred to as Atrium’s Chief Empowerment Officer, Cenni-Leventhal not only nurtures talent within her organization, but also shares her passion for mentorship with Girl Talk Inc. and New York Business Journal. Atrium is recognized as a champion of supplier diversity, topping the lists of 2019 North America Staffing 100, Inc. 5000 and Diversity Business as a leader of Women, Diversity and Privately Held organizations. Honored by the Women’s President’s Organization as one of the top 50 Women 2 Watch as well as one of the 50 Fastest Growing Women-Owned/Led Companies in North America, Rebecca and her business’s devotion to people and Humanistic Resources is demonstrated by Atrium’s recent recognition by Crain’s New York Business as one of 2019’s Best Places to Work. Dedicated to a legacy of good, Rebecca ensures that her founding principles– listening, valuing and respecting– remain the heartbeat of her organization.

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


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