Fighting Misinformation in Focus at Sundance Festival

The Sundance Festival in Utah is set to spotlight the critical issue of fighting misinformation, putting reputation management in the limelight., a New York-based online network dedicated to combating false claims and defamations, will host the "The Power of Reputation" panel at the Festival’s Impact Lounge on January 20.

Led by's founder and CEO, James Mawhinney, the panel features notable figures such as Jon Gosselin, Phaedra Parks, Adriane Schwartz, and Justin Peck. Mawhinney, an Australian entrepreneur, understands the profound impact of misinformation after facing baseless attacks on his business and personal life in 2020.

Speaking about the information crisis, Mawhinney emphasized the urgency of addressing the spread of misinformation, especially with the increasing influence of AI. He stated, "Now more than ever, a solution is needed to help people protect their reputations and improve communication standards."

Mawhinney's personal experience led him to establish, the world's first online network that verifies user profiles to safeguard against misinformation. Unlike traditional social platforms, prioritizes authenticity by verifying user credentials and preventing open commentary on published content. The platform also empowers users to refute inaccurate media through side-by-side comparisons, presenting a counter-narrative and supporting evidence.

The event at the Impact Lounge aims to spotlight personal stories about media misinformation and the role of in empowering users with an authentic, verified online presence. In the face of the growing challenges posed by misinformation, this discussion at Sundance underscores the importance for communicators to navigate the evolving landscape and adopt solutions that protect reputations and uphold communication standards.

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