Five Tips To Maintain Your Vacation Glow

Five Tips To Maintain Your Vacation Glow Orsi Korman Red Havas CommPRO

There are two kinds of vacations in this world: One that’s so peaceful and quiet that you get to make a measurable difference to your to-be-read list and actually look forward to getting moving by the end, and the other that’s so busy and exhausting that you feel like you need another vacation just to get over it.

As summer vacations are winding down in the northern hemisphere and many of us are returning to work from a well-deserved break, it’s time to prepare — physically and mentally — for what’s usually an extremely busy period ahead. Whether you are well rested and ready to hit the ground running as soon as your bags are unpacked, or already counting the days until the holidays, here are five tips you can apply so you don’t lose all the energy, positivity and inspiration you’ve hopefully soaked up during summer.

Stay well

Start by making sure you continue the healthy habits you were ideally able to practice while on vacation — drinking plenty (of water), not skipping meals, getting enough sleep and relaxation, and cutting back on caffeine along with screen time are some great examples you can follow even if your vacation itself wasn’t so healthy and relaxing. As communicators, we must practice what we preach to various audiences about managing stress, well-being and self-care — especially during busy times, when we can’t afford to lose our focus and our ability to show competence.

Stay inspired

Use your return to work as a fresh start to consider new ideas, find best practices and take inspiration from your vacation for upcoming projects and programming. Inspiration may come from anywhere throughout the year without needing your passport — arts, books, taking a class, attending professional gatherings or mentoring, for example. Pick something that works for you and then structure your schedule to integrate inspirational events and activities into your routine.

Stay Focused

Bullet journaling is far more helpful than you think, both for time management as well as for maintaining concentration. Take it one day at a time and try to prepare in advance — listing all your tasks and categorizing them in terms of urgency to anticipate the duties ahead and not feel overwhelmed — then don’t forget to check things off your list for a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

Stay Empowered

You should also hang onto that feeling of empowerment that vacation time gives you, when you own your time and actions. Feel empowered to speak and act if you see opportunities for improvement as you view your upcoming plans with a fresh pair of eyes — and be sure to give a helping hand or offer a new perspective to any colleague who may not have a vacation glow of their own.

Stay Alert

Taking deep breaths and regular breaks is key to keeping your concentration and cool at work. Whether it’s a bit of meditation, a crossword puzzle, a watercooler visit, a quick walk around the block or an actual exercise break, hitting pause and stepping away from your desk will help you with sustained focus and attention for extended periods of time — before and after. 

Studies suggest healthy habits take up to 21 days to become routine. If you follow these simple tips for the next three weeks, not only can you make that vacation glow last longer, but you’ll successfully tackle the busy year-end, and even have something to show for your next performance review — inspiring work, camaraderie and, equally important, a written record of your accomplishments.

Orsi Korman

Orsi supports content creation and content strategy for high-profile corporate, consumer and cause clients of HAVAS Red— and she could not be happier. Her specialties include writing, editing, ghostwriting, blogging, marketing, digital/social and experiential, all in AP style.


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