How Managers Contribute to a Professional Work Environment

How Managers Contribute to a Professional Work EnvironmentDavid Diaz, Senior Executive, Davenport Laroche 

A professional work environment is a hub of inspiration and innovation. It results in a workforce that's packed full of respectful and highly competent employees that are all working towards a specific and common goal. Professional work environments are the kind of workplace that any employee would feel proud being a part of. 

Managers can do a great deal to contribute to a professional work environment. As the leader of an organization or team, these professionals are available to show their employees what they expect from them every day. In fact, the nature of a workplace or company culture all starts and ends with the behavior of managers. Here are just some of the ways that managers can contribute to professional working environments.

1.     Be a Role Model 

It's hard for an employee to take a professional conduct policy seriously if they know that their leader isn't following the same rules that they're supposed to take to heart. If a manager gossips, dresses poorly or bad mouths other people within the company, then they're likely to see the same behavior emerging within their team. 

However, a manager that sticks to their commitments, admits to their mistakes and never loses their temperature sets a fantastic example for the rest of their colleagues.

2.     Recognize and Reward Results 

It's the job of a manager to push his team towards achieving the right results for a business. When someone accomplishes these results, it's also important for managers to let those people know that their work is appreciated. If results are regularly recognized, this creates an environment where all employees constantly try their best. 

Of course, it's important to make sure that the behaviors that lead to those results are rewarded too. After all, managers don't want their teams to engage in unsavory activities just to get to their goals.

3.     Be Ready to Offer Feedback and Coaching 

In any workplace environment, every employee is different. Some will need more coaching and support than others. However, while it's common for different staff members to need different levels of support, it's important for managers to realize that all their team needs regular feedback if they're going to be able to improve their performance. 

The best way to make the most of the feedback process as a manager is to speak to each employee and discover which areas they need additional help with. While some will need to build on their technical skills, other employees might need help with handling conflict and managing stress to improve the professional nature of the work environment.

4.     Implement a Professional Conduct Policy 

Finally, sometimes the best way for managers to let their employees know what they expect from them in terms of professional behavior, is to implement a conduct policy or employee handbook. While some organizations will find these handbooks more helpful than others, it's always useful to have a document on hand that employees can use when they aren't sure exactly how to respond to a situation. 

A professional work environment is crucial to business success. It's important that managers don't leave theirs to chance.


Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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