How Starting Your Own Business is Not as Scary as You Think

How Starting Your Own Business is Not as Scary as You ThinkMargie Hulse Starting your own business seems like a big deal to a lot of people however it doesn’t have to be. Yes, there may be some legal aspects, depending on what area you are venturing into. These do not have to be a hurdle. There are many experts who are more than happy to give you some free advice and it may also be prudent to have an initial consultation with a business expert to ascertain the things you need to put in place to start off on the right foot if you don’t have any knowledge of the legalities of the business you are starting. One of the keys to starting your own business is being willing to do whatever it takes to make it successful. I have had many successful businesses and some not so successful ones too. The difference between the two was my willingness to learn new things, put my self at the edge of my comfort zone, go beyond and do what it took to make the business work. It maybe a good idea to do some sort of training before you begin or you can also jump right in and start, learning on the way. I have done both ways and they both work.  It all depends on what feels right for you and what your business is. Ask Questions In order to establish what you think might be a great business, ask yourself “What are my particular skills and interests?” You might be into health and fitness, enjoy baking, have a great knowledge of your local area, love interacting with people, be a brilliant entertainer. These are all clues to what type of business could be fun for you. Anything that you do to create an extra income stream is a business – so start with something you know and love, and develop it from there. There are local outlets for products that you make (you crafty people), markets for food items (if you are a whizz in the kitchen) on-line sales outlets so you don’t require premises, just a corner of your house, garage, kitchen or property to start creating. Ask yourself, “what would be fun for you to create?” – it doesn’t seem like work. Your aim should be to make money and have fun doing it. Start SmallWhen you first start your new venture, start small. You need to ensure that you keep your spending tight – don’t purchase lots of new equipment just because you are now in business. Keeping your expenses under control is another key of a successful business. By all means buy the good quality equipment you require to do your business however don’t go overboard. A $100 piece of equipment could be just as good as a $250 one. Keeping your income exceeding your expenses is the way to make a sustainable profit. Have a Support SystemThe next key for having a new business continue past the “Troublesome Twos” is having good support. Have people that you trust and know about the business you are starting advise or mentor you.  Talking to people in similar businesses can give you great insights into things you may not know at the outset. Usually people are more than willing to chat to you about their “babies.” They will give you contacts, problem solving tips and basically help you to set up and keep your business running. There are often networking groups who get together on a weekly basis to support each other in creating their businesses. Another key person in your team is your accountant. They will be able to help you set up financial systems so you can see at a glance where your business is. It is no use at the end of the year finding out that you your overspending hugely in a particular area. Keep a close eye on your financials. You are in business to make money not just to keep you occupied. Have an End Game When you start your business you also need to figure out what your end plan is, this will influence how you develop your business. Establish whether you want a passive income from it, if you wish to create a full time position for yourself or do you want to eventually sell it. The aim of a successful business it to be a profitable enterprise that can eventually run without you. If you choose something you love doing and are interested in, creating a new business is not scary – it is fun and exciting. Ask questions – they are the key to creating a new business with ease.  [author]About the Author: Margie Hulse is a business coach, speaker, consultant, property investor and Right Riches for You facilitator for Access Consciousness. She has over 20 years of experience in the creation, investment, promotion and marketing of multiple successful businesses. Having gained financial security for herself, she loves to show others just how easy it can be to do the same. Right Riches for You is a specialty program of Access Consciousness. [/author]    

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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