How to Read People Like an FBI Hostage Negotiator

Free Webinar: August 27 @ 11 a.m. ET

How to Read People Like an FBI Hostage Negotiator

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Message from Adele Cehrs...

Thank you for your interest in our latest webinar: How to Read People Like an FBI Hostage Negotiator. WARNING: The above illustration is false advertising!Former FBI agent and hostage negotiator Chip Massey tells me that FBI vest is strictly Hollywood. Agents rarely, if ever, wear that monogrammed stuff. (Who knew? Not me, and certainly not my illustrator.)That’s just one of many intriguing things I’ve learned from my collaboration with Chip, my special guest for two upcoming When and How webinars and co-presenter at our upcoming live seminar in NYC this October. Chip will draw from his field experience including interrogation techniques, catching fugitives  as well as real-life hostage negotiation scenarios. As a Crisis Communications expert, I am intrigued by how well our respective skill sets complement each other. I think you’ll agree. That’s why I’m inviting you to a couple of hour-long FREE seminars Chip and I are giving together.Here are a few things we will cover:

Online Profiling, FBI-style

You may think you’re pretty good at researching competitors, prospects, or potential business partners, but there’s a lot you can learn from Chip. Sharpen your interpretive skills and find out what social media can tell you about a person’s personality and preferences.

The Real Story

Chip will provide eight empathetic listening techniques to uncover the unspoken narrative behind what someone is saying. Learning to read someone’s motives can give you more leverage in any business setting and help you get what you want.

Learn How to Be Calm in a Crisis

The FBI veteran will also teach you how to inject a “weakness vaccination” and speak truth to power in even the most difficult circumstances. He’ll give you some fascinating ways to read the room and learn to pick up on hidden cues from body language, tone of voice and micro-expressions.  Moreover, self-awareness is also key and Chip will reveal triggers to tell when your “lizard brain” is about to take over and how you can avoid losing analytical processing in the most unnerving situations.

Build Competitive Skills 

Learning to read people like an FBI agent can be an invaluable skill in today’s competitive business environment.These webinars are going to be fun – and fascinating too.I hope you’ll join us.

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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