Imperium Group Introduces Entrepreneur Lenney Leong & Business Mogul Ricardo Jorge Pereira de Sousa Coelho

CommPRO Editorial StaffTo some, the camera is the worst creation of the modern world because of the things it has exposed and the pains it has brought, but to others, it is the best thing that happened to them. It is true for Lenney Leong who created a video that reached a very high viewership within the shortest time possible despite only spending less than half a day in developing it. With social media and the need for companies to outshine one another, the video has become an important part of marketing as explained by Entrepreneur Lenney Leong.

The entrepreneur explains that getting people to view and share a video in marketing is not as easy as it sound. Because the internet contains millions of videos in various platforms including, it is crucial that one create a video that has a uniqueness to capture the attention of the targeted audience. It is also important to make sure that the viewers are engaged, entertained and informed by the video once they see it so they are drawn to watch others you have created.

Lenney Leong insists that entrepreneurs must add to their skill both set Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. We live in the technological era where keywords are a key factor in online marketing. SEO means the use of keywords a specific number of times to rank high on the search engine results. High rankings can only mean entrepreneur’s enterprises becoming easily visible after one search. Driving more traffic to tour sites through the SEO optimization technique is a great way to grow your business as it increases your customer prospects and hence increasing your sales. When your website is highly ranked them more people will be able to visit your pages and get more information concerning your products and services hence boosting your sales.

Ricardo Jorge Pereira de Sousa Coelho is a Estonian Businessman as well as a soccer player. Jorge is so discreet that most people have no idea that he is actually a proactive business man who sits at the board of a couple large businesses in Estonia. Jorge is an innovator and can scope out the business potential in any situation which has allowed him to establish his career in business. However, it was his distinct ability to lead a team and manage e commerce that has kept his businesses afloat.

Jorge does not limit himself to one industry, he currently is a management board member of both a large wholesale company and a real estate company. In these times most companies have been having a hard time staying afloat but thankfully with Jorge’s management skills he has been able to keep his business flourishing. Since the safety of his employees are his main concern he has sent them home so that they can work from there and be safe in these dangerous times. He is a very skilled leader and although managing a large number of people who are in different places is difficult, he has had success doing it. Jorge also takes pride in his ability in being able to manage all the array of products available since there are only 5-6 desirable products at any time and his precise management is required to ensure that the inventory matches the sales. It is a very complicated and complex task right now especially since all these tasks need to be done from home but his persistent attitude is what has gotten him where he is today.

Jorge is simply one of those special people who can see the business potential in anything. The most impressive part is the way that he is able to insert his efficient management skills into his work as well as sourcing the best products. With his commerce businesses it is very important for Jorge to have a keen sense for products so that he can offer the best and most affordable products for customers as well as to provide financial stability so that the company does not lose money due to low sales. Jorge has truly proven his innovation skills through his amazing work and his honest workmanship and all the businesses that have improved through his superb management skills. Especially in this time of uncertainty it is more so impressive that he is able to continue managing his large team from home as well as maintain the commerce aspect so that sales continue and his business does not fail like the many others that have had to shut down recently due to all this.


Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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