Job Offer? 7 Steps To Follow

Marie Raperto, The Hiring HubWhen you receive a job offer, it will likely come with a time-frame for acceptance.  Every employer would love you to accept immediately but they do recognize that you may have to discuss with your family or compare other offers.  Usually, you will receive 2-3 days to consider the offer but many employers just give 24 hours.  Need more time?

  1.  Try not to request more time but if you need it, express your interest and thank the employer and then give them a reason.
  2. Reasons can include needing additional time to compare offers, scheduled interviews etc.  Waiting around for more job offers is not a reason.
  3. If you have interviews scheduled, explain that you would like to honor your commitments and then make the correct decision.
  4. If you are anticipating other offers, call those employers and let them know you have an offer in hand and must accept by the date given.
  5. Accept or decline the offer within the agreed upon date.
  6. Once you have accepted, review the terms especially any scheduled vacation time etc.
  7. Then work out first-day logistics -- where and when to go, anything you need to bring with you etc.

Remember, keep it professional whether you accept the position or not.

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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