Local Website Service Company Helps Nonprofits Increase Traffic For Food Donations

CommPRO Editorial StaffWhile the pandemic continues to create financial uncertainty for many food-related nonprofits and other businesses that are part of the food industry, nonprofit food donation centers and the like continue to bring relief to many, and MyUnlimitedWP is adding to this relief. The website service company is located near Downtown Redlands and is endeavoring to combat this pandemic-driven financial tension by reaching out to local nonprofit food organizations and restaurants to help increase their foot traffic during these challenging times. Thus, the company offers unlimited website support and services for nonprofit food organizations so that those utilizing their services can know what to expect and when.Joseph Kibler, owner, and CEO of MYUWP, explains the importance of food donation centers and other food-related NPOs utilizing a website service company during these times. “Your website is one of the most essential marketing tools,” Joseph says. He further explains that when a website is functional, current, and accurate, everyone benefits. Things such as outdated hours and defunct links on a website could send the wrong message to people who are relying on such information or could decrease the number of people who are interested in utilizing such services.People are searching for food donation centers, whether their goal is to donate or receive food. Therefore, food-related nonprofit organizations such as food donation centers should be prepared to survive any mandated shutdowns, withstand competitors, and push through unexpected circumstances even on a budget. As such, businesses are being encouraged to take advantage of website services, and that includes those who run various food-related nonprofit organizations.MyUnlimitedWP is helping non-profit organizations save even more money with a 20 percent discount on their services. Non-profit organizations can redeem the discount by using the coupon code: NONPROFIT2020.Source: NGO Wire

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


Instead of Worrying about the What-Ifs, Focus on Yourself


OP Ed: Distrust noun, the feeling that someone or something cannot be relied upon.