Public Relations Research: Lessons of the Past | Foundation for the Future (Webinar On-Demand)

Webinar Overview

Since the earliest days of our profession, research has been a fundamental element in the public relations process.  And while the applications for PR research remain the same – landscape assessment, objectives setting, strategy development, tactical optimization and evaluation for continuous improvement --- shifts in the communication framework and advances in technology created totally new approaches.

In this session, PRIME Research CEO Mark Weiner and The Museum of Public Relations CEO Shelley Spector present their perspectives on the past, the present and the future of public relations research.  Sharing from the archives of the Museum, Shelly documents the writings and experiences of Edward Bernays, one of the most celebrated “fathers of public relations.”  Sharing from his experiences helping many of the world’s most admired companies, Mark illuminates current best practices in PR research while shedding light to the future.

This video conference is open to all and will be equally interesting to the seasoned PR executive as it will be to the PR novice.


shelley-spectorShelley Spector

President, Spector & Associates, Inc.

Founder, Museum of Public Relations 

Shelley Spector is president of NYC-based Spector & Associates, a b-to-b agency founded in 1991.  In its 25 years, the firm has represented dozens of global brands--including AT&T, Bayer Corp., Goldman Sachs, Harris Corp., and ITT Corp.--and has won more than 40 industry awards, including the Gold Quill, Silver Anvil, and SABRE.

In 1997, she founded the Museum of Public Relations, a 501 c 3 educational institution that currently resides at Baruch College. As the field’s only museum dedicated to preserving PR history, it attracts hundreds of students, educators and professionals each year.

Spector is also an adjunct professor for the M.A. program in Corporate Communications at Baruch College, currently teaching “From Plato to Twitter: a History of Influence, Media and Public Opinion,” a course she created.  Additionally, she is co-author of “Public Relations for the Public Good: How PR has shaped America’s social movements,” published in 2016 by Business Expert Press. ß

Spector earned her B.A. in Journalism from the University of Rhode Island, and an M.S. in TV/Radio/Film at the Newhouse School at Syracuse University.

mark-weiner-prime-ceoMark Weiner

Chief Executive Officer

PRIME Research Americas

Mark Weiner is the Chief Executive Officer of PRIME Research Americas. PRIME is one of the world’s largest public relations and corporate communications research and consulting providers, employing more than 500 analysts and consultants in Western Europe, North and South America, Eastern Europe and Asia. Since 1993, Mark has devoted his career to counseling many of the world’s most respected organizations and brands to demonstrate and generate a positive return on their investment in corporate and brand communications.

He is the author of “Unleashing the Power of PR: A Contrarian’s Guide to Marketing and Communication,”contributed chapters to three other texts as well as dozens of white-papers, features and articles. Mark has also guest-lectured at many of the world’s leading public relations conferences and professional development programs and is a regular contributor to leading communication and public relations professional media.

Mark is a member of The Institute for Public Relations, for which he served as a Trustee and the 2004 Chair of the Measurement Commission; The Public Relations Society of America; and AMEC. Mark was admitted into the PR Measurement Hall of Fame in 2013. 

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Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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