Resources to Use to Prepare for Microsoft AZ-104 Exam. Are Dumps Enough for Obtaining Passing Score?

CommPRO Editorial Staff

The demand for certified specialists in IT is constantly growing. Companies prefer this type of potential employees as they know that they have already gone through different tests that validate their skills. Thus, they cannot go wrong with hiring a real specialist as the respective candidate will deliver the expected results. Even though their salary requests might be higher than an average candidate, their delivered results will quickly compensate for the investment made. When it comes to cloud computing, the growing trends show that the need for such specialists on the market continues to grow.

If you want to acquire the Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate badge, then you should take AZ-104 test if you want to develop a successful career in this niche. We have created this post to help you determine which training resources you can use to pass your AZ-104 exam. Also, we will answer the questions of whether dumps are enough to pass your assessment with flying colours.

Skills Measured by AZ-104 Test

The Microsoft AZ-104 tests the candidates’ knowledge in six major areas:

  • Ability to manage Azure governance feature and identities;
  • Expertise in managing Microsoft storage services and implementing them successfully;
  • Knowing everything about Azure compute resources and deploying their features;
  • Configuring virtual networking and managing updates constantly;
  • Monitoring and implementing the latest trends in the Microsoft Azure environment.

The registration fee for the Microsoft AZ-104 exam is $165. As this sum is quite big, you should do everything you can to overcome your exam easily. How? Take a close look at the paragraphs below and note down the details of the training options that best work for you.

Learning Alternatives for Microsoft AZ-104 Exam

You can gain the necessary skills to pass your AZ-104 test if you start with the instructor-led training. The vendor has developed two tutor-led courses to help candidates learn how to become an Azure Administrator and know more about AWS SysOps. The great thing about this type of preparation is that you will benefit from high interactivity and the opportunity to talk directly to Microsoft trainers.

The Microsoft website is also full of free online training sessions that will help you prepare as well as possible for AZ-104 assessment. For example, you will learn which are the prerequisites for Azure Administrators or how you can implement Azure storage features. Each online learning path will take you closer to hitting a high passing score in the Microsoft AZ-104 exam.

Once you feel you accumulated enough information to pass this test, you shouldn’t jump immediately into taking the real exam. You should also try the vendor’s official practice test. It will help you identify which topics you need to study more and in which areas you excel. To know more, to supplement your knowledge you can opt for reliable dumps that can be found on some platforms online.


Becoming a Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate is one of the best investments that you can make in your career and professional future. The training process for the Microsoft AZ-104 will help you learn more about the Azure environment and also how to manage difficult situations that might appear in your workplace. When it comes to the best preparation materials, you cannot fail if you do a combination of instructor-led training and accurate dumps. Are you ready to give it a try?

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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