Communications Experts Take A 'Deep Dive' into #RyanLochte & Reputation Management

By CommPRO Editorial StaffRepairing the Lochte Brand - Three Things He Has Going for HimThe Ryan Lochte situation dominated mainstream and social media channels  as part of the Olympics wrap-up. #RyanLochte is a classic example of crisis communications, which is a specialization within the public relations profession, which is utilized in responding to threats posed to the reputation of an individual, company or organization. An important component of effective crisis communication is quick response time and an ongoing management of key message points to the public and other stakeholders who, without being properly informed, could have a negative impact on the reputation of the individual, company or organization.CommPRO reached out to our community seeking their analysis of this crisis communications and reputation management case study.  What's next?  For Lochte, according to USA Today, he has signed on to appear on season 23 of the ABC reality show, "Dancing with the Stars." 

steven.fink.featuredRyan Lochte: Sink or Swim

By Steven Fink, President and CEO, Lexicon Communications Corp.Ryan Lochte finally figured a way to get out from under Michael Phelps’ shadow. But jumping into the deep end of the pool while wearing a pair of concrete boots was not the best way to do it.    Continue reading...  

Scott SobelGuilt by Association: Sponsors Are Trying to Cut Losses by Cutting Ryan Lochte

By Scott Sobel, Senior Strategy and Communications Executive, kglobal

Keeping a crisis from metastasizing into a disaster is the goal of reputation managers. Ryan Lochte and his sponsors were out of luck the second he opened his mouth and tried to answer initial and then follow-up questions that involved any sophistication.     Continue reading... 

Ray_CasasRyan Lochte – A Long and Arduous Road to Redemption

By Ray Casas, President, Wragg & Casas Strategic Communications

Ryan Lochte has a chance at redemption – Americans love to forgive their fallen heroes.  But he’s made it much harder by his repeated lies and by leaving his teammates behind to fend for themselves.     Continue reading...  

 Ryan Lochte's Next Stop – A Reputation-Reclamation Tour? 

By Ray Hennessey, Chief Innovation Officer, JConnellyIf Ryan Lochte regains his reputation, he has the Real Housewives to thank. Time was that filing a false police report about being robbed at gunpoint to cover up your boorish behavior in the foreign country hosting the Olympics was a career-killer.      Continue reading...


Todd Murphy Vice President Universal Information Services news monitoring and PR measurementWould Gold Help Lochte Win the PR Game?

By Todd Murphy, Vice President, Universal Information Services

Stupid American

By now the world has learned that Ryan Lochte, US Olympic Swimmer, took great liberties with his story of being robbed in Rio. Our media measurement team has been analyzing the news mentions on a global level, and has one question to ask the media, “Would Lochte’s story have played differently if he had performed better at the Olympics?”     Continue reading...  

Linda Popky on Business Success in ’16: Will The Force Be With You?Sinking Fast: The Ryan Lochte Rio Drama Has Widespread Brand Repercussions

By Linda J. Popky, Founder, Leverage2Market AssociatesIt was exactly what we had been warned to expect from the Rio Olympics: A group of American star athletes mugged at gunpoint by thugs impersonating Brazilian police officers.It sounded horrible. And it was—but not for the reasons we originally thought. It’s become apparent that not only had this mugging not happened to American swimmer Ryan Lochte and three fellow swimmers, but that the group itself had vandalized a gas station and concocted the story to cover up their misdeeds.     Continue reading here... 

heathRepairing the Lochte Brand: Three Things He Has Going for Him

By Heath Fradkoff, Principal & Founder, Ward 6 Marketing

Ryan Lochte’s actions in Rio were reprehensible and sponsors are dropping him accordingly. As a result of just a few minutes of bone-headedness, his ability to make a sustainable living from swimming may be in jeopardy.
However, he does have three things going for him that may allow him to save his personal brand:
  1. The American public loves a comeback story.
  2. His swimming successes indicate a dedicated work ethic.
  3. The Olympics, the biggest stage for US Swimming, comes around every four years.

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Andy-Blum-headshotRyan Lochte: What Was He Thinking?

By Andrew BlumWhat was he thinking? U.S. Olympic swimmer and 12-time gold medalist Ryan Lochte may have destroyed his swimming career and his brand all in one shot. By pulling a Brian Williams in making up the story that he was robbed at gunpoint in Rio de Janeiro during the Olympics, Lochte lost his credibility, hurt the three teammates he was out with that night, hurt the U.S. Olympic Committee and the U.S., and after he weakly apologized, lost $1 million worth of sponsor deals.     Continue reading...

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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